Managing chief of ISICO 2019, Nur Aini Rakhmawati SKom MScEng Ph.D. along with the speakers and Vice-Rector I (two from the left)
ITS Campus, ITS News – The Era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution is currently unable to escape with the rapidly growing information technology. This became the basis of the Department of Information Systems Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in conducting an Information System International Conference (ISICO) 2019 to discuss the issue for three days, since Tuesday (23/7).
Taking place at the Bumi Surabaya Hotel, the conference brought four keynote speakers, Prof. Hyerim Bae Ph.D. from Pusan National University (PNU) Korea, Prof. Robert M Davison of City University of Hongkong, Prof Rosemann of Queensland University of Australian Technology (QUT), and Prof Torsten Reiners from Curtin University Malaysia.
Vice-Rector I of ITS Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT when giving opening remarks ISICO 2019
Vice-Rector I of ITS Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT feel this conference is very necessary to do along with the development of such a great technology. Experts from overseas will share how the actual technological development conditions that have occurred outside Indonesia today that may still not be known by many people.
Adi also expects from this conference, participants who are masters or doctoral students can enlarge their research. “So that there will be a lot of latest ideas in the present for future developments,” said the professor of Departement of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Technology ITS
Sharing session with Prof Robert M Davison from City University of Hongkong
Meanwhile, managing chief of ISICO 2019 Nur Aini Rakhmawati SKom MScEng Ph.D. admitted, participants from this conference also came from various continents. The biennial event also aims to establish communication from researchers from various countries. “Hope can also open student exchange opportunities with foreign students,” he said.
Prof. Hyerim Bae PhD. from Pusan National University (PNU) Korea when delivering his topics
Lecturers who are commonly called Aini mentioned the discussion of this Conference covering how the role of information system technology in the era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution and the big data era that is already covered in various aspects. Besides, the thing about the management business is also mentioned in the discussion.
In addition to the discussion, Aini mentions the participants who have sent his previous work in the form of paper also allowed to present it. From this, it will bring together interactions to share knowledge. Besides exhibited some of ITS student innovation work aimed at all the participants,” said the department lecturer of this information system. (sof/rev/ITS Public Relation)
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