ITS Campus, ITS News – Students of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) are returning to whet champion titles. Is Frankstein Arphan and Tita Oxa Anggrea who succeeded in winning title 1 in two categories, namely Paper Competition and Poster Competition. He made both general champions at Constantin Gh. Popa Paper and Poster Contest held at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania, on 2 – 5 May 2019.
Starting from the sensitivity to the limited needs of increasingly high oil and gas, Ocha (a familiar greeting Tita Oxa Anggrea) with Frankstein thought of innovations to maximize the potential of the reservoir (an accumulating container of oil and gas, red).
According to Ocha and Frankstein, in a reservoir, there is a thin layer of 0.5 ft which tends to be ignored as it is undetectable. “In our research and methods, we can detect it to thin layers,” Ocha said with pride when contacted by online message.
So when detected, the Champion 3 ITS Outstanding Undergraduate Student 2019, this potential reservoir can be maximized. The benefits of the reservoir owner’s company will also increase and oil and gas supply can be increased. “Because of the thin coating can contribute to many oil and gas,” chaired this physics technique.
Ocha admitted that the idea was also based on Frankstein’s interest in the thin 0.5 ft reservoir that was likely not to be recorded by logging tools (a conventional well-data recording tool, red). Therefore, the two show the idea of the optimization of these layers using recalculations and the Monte Carlo inversion. “And of course, using an algorithm that can detect the coating and give profit previously ignored,” obviously the title of the first runner up Miss Global Indonesia 2017.
The struggle of both is quite heavy. Ocha and Frankstein had to compete with participants from 15 other countries. Even nearly 70 percent of the participants were students of S2 and S3 programs. However, thanks to the extraordinary innovations of Ocha and Frankstein as well as his rummy presentation. The President of the Society of Petroleum Engineer (SPE) International, Darcy Spady and representatives of oil and gas companies in Romania also give the highest appreciation in the form of General Champion title.
For this achievements, Ocha thanked ITS, PT PLN, BGR Logistic, Petrochemical Gresik, Airnav Indonesia, PT Bukit Asam, and PTPN X who have shared their knowledge and helped both to compete in Romania. “In the future, a good form of collaboration between the company and the campus can generate innovation for the creation of energy resilience,” said this JTV presenter. (Dik/rev/ ITS Public Relations)
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