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August 01, 2019 16:08

ITS Optimistic to Upgrade QS World Rankings 2021

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

Director South East Asia QS World Rankings, Chong E Way (right) describes the QS World Rankings scoring system and ITS potential to rise in the world rankings

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has no mess in its efforts to face global competition towards World Class University. This was demonstrated through a meeting with the Regional director Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World Rankings in southeast Asia, Chong E Way, at ITS Rectorate Building, Thursday (25/7).

The meeting between QS World Rankings with ITS It is one of ITS efforts to fix itself to be increasingly known the world. As it is known, ITS managed to reach a rating of 810-1,000 in the category QS World University Rankings (WUR) 2020. In more detail, ITS has increased by as much as 90 levels from the 920 position to 830.

The increase, according to Chong E Way, is not just a coincidence. At the meeting, this Malaysian man explained, it is the fruit of ITS strong desire to continue to grow. “Proven by how it continues to take us to see what it has to do again to be better,” he said.

Director South East Asia QS World Rankings, Chong E Way (right) and ITS rector Prof. Mochamad Ashari (left) in a discussion about QS World Rankings Assessment System

The rector of ITS Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng and his ranks at the meeting jointly discussed ITS advantages and disadvantages on the ranking of QS World Rankings last 2020. In this discussion, ITS presented the regional director of the QS World Rankings in southeast Asia to explain more about the detailed things that were previously missed. As a further explanation of the key indicators to increase the ranking on QS ratings.

The first indicator is a reputation among employer (labor recruiters). For this indicator, ITS is ranked as the top 590 in the world. This assessment is made from the relevance of education with a true professional world. This relates to the performance and contributions of ITS graduates in different types of organizations or companies. He also said that the score was based on the company’s assessment of ITS graduates.

Next is the academic reputation. For this indicator, ITS is in the top 750 worlds. Its true academic reputation demonstrates the position of its educational qualities that are recognized by people around the world. The other four indicators that should also be considered are citation per faculty, undergraduate students, international students, and international faculty.

According to the rector that is often called Ashari, the evaluation given by the QS World Rankings is very beneficial for ITS. “Because we finally know what we did not previously know for better improvement in this ITS,” said the lecturer who is also the professor of this electrical engineering.

Ashari said that one of the crucial things is that it is about the category 801-1,000 misunderstanding. In this category, ITS name, which is written as ‘ Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology ‘, was thought to be the lowest position. “Where in reality, ITS is in 830 which is the top among other universities in Indonesia in the same category (801-1,000, red),” explained Ashari further. The reason why ITS name is in very bottom is that the alignment is done in alphabetical order.

The rector who born in Sidoarjo said that to prepare for the upcoming set of QS World Rankings 2021, ITS will improve the publication and cooperation between institutions, especially in the international scope. In addition, ITS will also multiply the number of foreign students and professors in the future.

“This is because 50 percent of the ranking is charging questionnaires, where people and institutions around the world will be asked how to know them with ITS,” said Ashari.

The atmosphere of discussion between ITS and the representatives of the QS World Rankings ASEAN Region

As we know, the QS World Rankings is an official rating agency which is also one of the references to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) in measuring the institutional quality of colleges (PT) in Indonesia to World Class University.

In the year 2020, QS has issued a ranking of World Class University or World University Rankings with more than 1,250 universities from 86 countries that have successfully seized the global top position. Including ITS and eight other universities in Indonesia.

In addition to securing its position in the WUR category, the QS in 2020 this is ITS for the first time also successfully entered on the subject category of Computer Science and Information Systems in position 551-660. (mia/rev/ITS Public Relation)

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