ITS Campus, ITS News – after going through several stages of selection, finally as many as 23 PKM teams from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) successfully declared to qualify for the 32nd PIMNAS. This event will be held at Udayana University, Bali for five days from 27 August.
The activities of PIMNAS are one of the efforts of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) to challenge students of all universities in Indonesia in creating a variety of creativity. There are Eight PKM categories contested in the prestigious annual event among the national colleges.
The head of the 32 PIMNAS contingent ITS, Ahmad Fauzan Adziima ST. MSc admitted that ITS PKM number that successfully joined this year is much more when compared to the previous year. In 2018 years ago, there were only 15 of ITS PKM teams that managed to qualify for the 31st PIMNAS. The number of ITS PKM team that joins this time is equal to the number of IPB PKM teams.
According to lecturers who are familiarly called Fauzan, the results are indeed the result from the early mentoring to the entire team from preparing the proposals to the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Kemenristekdikti. “The figure has also fulfilled the initial target, which less than 20 teams joining PIMNAS,” said Fauzan happily.
Initially, ITS had sent about 500 proposals to Kemenristekdikti. However, there were only 78 teams to fund. Then, the one who finally passes to PIMNAS has only 18 teams funded and five teams from write ideas (PKM-GT) and futuristic ideas constructive (PKM-GFK) who do not need any funds.
PKM-GFK is a new category that was applied to start PIMNAS this year. It adapts to the current millennial era. Not much different from the PKM-GT, but the idea in the new category should be visualized in the form of video and uploaded on social networks.
Meanwhile, out of the 18 successful teams consisting of two teams of Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), two teams Inventor (PKM-KC), 11 teams Scientific Research (PKM-PE), two teams Social Humanity Research (PSH), and one team Application of Technology (PKM-T). However, at the Community Service (PKM-M) There has not been ITS team that managed to join.
Interestingly, ITS also a college that managed to get away with the number of PKM-PE team in Indonesia in PIMNAS this time. Fauzan explains this because ITS students turned out to have a lot of ideas for his research ideas. Also, workmanship in this category is not as difficult as others. “Only needs analysis and correct data,” he said.
The lecturer of Instrumentation Engineering Department mentioned that this success is not separated from the ITS scientific development program. Since the beginning of admission, all new students are obliged to attend the Scientific Writing Training (PKTI). The purpose is to introduce the new students with a scientific atmosphere at ITS.
In addition to getting mentoring in drafting proposals, all team members also get content coaching when presenting. Because the weight of the presentation value is also quite huge. Supervising lecturers also have to maximize their mentoring to the team.
To maintain the scientific atmosphere and ITS achievements, each team must consist of different generations. So that experienced students can inherit their knowledge to the younger students.
Fauzan also expects that the 32nd PIMNAS can earn as many gold medals as possible. But it is also admitted is not an easy thing. “Last year we are in the sixth position, at least this year we can efficacy to the three big positions, ” he said. (sof/rev/ITS Public Relation)
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