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August 05, 2019 14:08

ITS Students Respond to Problems in Indonesia through International Symposium XI

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ITS and Airlangga University students after attending the PPI World International Symposium

ITS Campus, ITS News – There are many roles of students in social life, one of which is participating together in resolving various problems. At the International Symposium of Indonesian Student Association (PPI) in Johor, Malaysia, six students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) actively participated in efforts to solve various problems in Indonesia.

They are Nanda Achmad Bachrus S from the Department of Visual Communication Design, R. Ng. Bintang Permana Aji from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, M. Dihan Ramadhan Pradana from the Department of Marine Transportation Engineering, Luthfi Fathur Rahman, Rubiyono, and Hasbi Akbar From the Department of Mechanical Engineering who had the opportunity to participate in activities held for five days at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

Nanda said, in the 11th symposium there was a commission agenda session that demands the concern of students in dealing with the issues that struck the country. There are four divisions of commission session, including economy, health, socio-cultural and education. “Hopefully this session can provide positive results in the form of solutions and breakthroughs that will be submitted to the relevant government,” he said.

He claimed to have taken part in the commission session in the education section. The problem highlighted in the discussion session was the education zoning for students. As already known, the policy based on the curriculum 2013 had made cause an uproar Indonesia. Instead of limiting student learning spaces, according to Nanda, the government must also equalize qualified teaching resources in all schools in Indonesia. “So the point is that there is no inequality between schools,” he added.

In addition to education zoning, literacy habits were also an interesting discussion subject in the session. The results of a reading interest survey conducted by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) released by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) shows that Indonesia ranks 62 out of 70 countries surveyed. “Therefore, interest in reading needs to be implanted early through the family,” said student born on April 3.

Furthermore, for him, the campus must continue to intensify research. The lack of research and innovation certainly has an impact on the absence of Indonesian universities reached the top 100 universities in the world. The students’ habits that only await lecturers in the classroom must be changed immediately. “If possible, lecturers and students must be active in conducting research,” he said.

Group photo after the PPI International Symposium event

Unlike Nanda, Luthfi who also attended the energy focus consortium said, in his commission session, two major issues were discussed namely renewable energy and energy management. “Yes, we discussed what the energy is used for and discussed about the advantages of renewable energy in Indonesia,” he added.

The results in the next five years, PPI and the government should focus on seven things, including zoning energy sources, mapping of power generation, and conducting studies of laws or other policies related to renewable energy and environmental preservation. Besides, it also provides recommendations for the establishment of an energy audit agency, the determination of political objectives of the energy sector that do not change and are developed over the long term. “The last is to conduct research and development on the efficiency of fossil fuel generation and continue to supervise its development to be more applicative,” he concluded. (hen/owi/gayatri)

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