ITS Campus, ITS News – as one of the best technical colleges in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) never closes itself from anyone who wants to learn. One of them is Maarif Hasyim Latif University (UMAHA) Sidoarjo. It is expressed in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two universities in ITS Rectorate building on Friday (2/8) ago.
The rector of UMAHA, Dr. Ahmad Fathoni M.Pd, claimed to be grateful for the assignment of this cooperation. The man who familiarly called Ahmad said, UMAHA ready to follow ITS, especially in the new rector leadership, Prof. Dr. Mochamad Ashari MEng. “We will provide support for ITS according to the realm of our expertise, with the hope to always follows the development of this campus,” he said.
Ahmad, who is also the president of the Indonesian Faculty of Experts (ADRI) explained that in the near term, UMAHA and ITS will follow the 30th International Conference ADRI in Australia. ” Mr. Ashari will be a keynote speaker in front of other conference participants,” said Ahmad enthusiastically.
Ahmad hoped that the cooperation which was built between ITS and UMAHA was not merely passed without sustainability. What’s more, he said that his fellow lecturers and UMAHA were routinely met before in the field. “Fellow lecturers who originally built Intercampus cooperation in abstract framework, will now be more facilitated with the signing of the MoU,” said Ahmad.
Meanwhile, ITS vice-rector IV who responsible for Innovation, Cooperation, Alumni, and International Relations, Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D. said, this cooperation includes many aspects such as improving the quality of education, internationalization, ranking accreditation, and such. “More or less related, we enthusiastically cooperate with UMAHA while strengthening the relationship,” said Bambang. (dik/qi/rev)
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