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August 15, 2019 15:08

Belarus Establishing Cooperation in Higher Education With ITS

Oleh : adminits | | Source : -

Meeting of the Ambassador of Belarus to Indonesia HE Mr. Valery Kolesnik with Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng at ITS rectorate Tuesday (13/8).

ITS Campus, ITS News – Intends to set up cooperation in the field of higher education, the Ambassador of Belarus to Indonesia, HE Mr. Valery Kolesnik, visited Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Tuesday (15/8). The visit at ITS Rectorate Building was followed by a public lecture by the Ambassador of Belarus. Also present in the meeting, ITS rector, Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng as well as director of ITS International Relations (ITS IO), Dr. Maria Anityasari ST ME.

As Maria explained, the woman’s familiar greeting, Belarus, which is a fractional state of the Soviet Union, has a considerable history, including Indonesia. He explained, Belarus sees Indonesia has a great potential as a partner in trading. Because Indonesia has a large potential minefield while Belarus has a large heavy vehicle industry. “Because they are small countries that do not have a beach, their shortage is in agriculture, while Indonesia has it,” added this lecturer of Departement of Industrial Engineering. This need, according to Maria, makes trading between the two countries often occur since long ago.

Maria mentions since 2012 Belarus is increasingly active in intimating relations with Indonesia. To revive the history of the trade cooperation, Embassy of the Republic of Belarus introduced the prospect of higher education in Belarus and offered scholarships to students of S1 and S2.

A lecture by the ambassador of Belarus to Indonesia, HE Mr. Valery Kolesnik.

Welcoming the invitation, Maria invites the Belarusian to get to know each other. She invited the Belarusian college to take part in the Global Unity Fair ITS 2019 which would be implemented before ITS anniversary of the 59 Natalis. In the event, Maria proposed to study the Russian language by the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus. “So the language and culture that is the biggest obstacle can be slightly overcome,” she explained.

In addition, Maria also initiated the Business Technological Boot Camp to Belarus. In this activity, some of ITS students will receive learning online from lecturers in Belarus for one month. Meanwhile, Belarusian students have the opportunity to be taught by Indonesian lecturers. When these Belarusian students arrive in Indonesia, with their students they are directed to study directly in the Belarusian industry in Indonesia.

Speaking of the prospect of cooperation with Belarus in the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) ITS, Maria assessed the language is still a barrier to conducting student exchange and joint-degree. “The Internship has a better prospect. They have good labs, “she said. (fat/owi/rev)

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