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August 15, 2019 14:08

ITS New Students Should Have Competence and Integrity

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Ir Muhammad Arif Wibowo MM CPM delivers a guest lecture TO ITS new students

ITS Campus, ITS News – The inauguration of 2019 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) new students by ITS Rector presents Ir Muhammad Arif Wibowo MM CPM to provide public lectures. The importance of competence and integrity is implanted early on through its presentation in front of thousands of ITS new students in Grha Sepuluh Nopember.

The director of PT Airfast Indonesia said that being a new student meant to be entrance path to a new round of life. He convinced the new students to start thinking and write down dreams to be more directed in his reach. “From now on you have to start to write down your big dream as a source of your motivation,” he explained.

He also reminds ITS new students that everything starts today is highly benchmarks for future success. No doubt, he said, if you want to be a successful person or a great leader of Indonesia you must start from this moment, too. “My goals used to be the President Director of Garuda Indonesia and I wrote that as my motivation, now I’m grateful to achieved that,” said the former director of Garuda Indonesia.

The rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng gave souvenirs to Arif Wibowo

The alumnus of the Department of Mechanical Engineering also reveals the individual’s success is also influenced by the character in which a good character relates to personal integrity. “The person with integrity will have the value of honesty so that it can be trusted by others,” he asserted.

According to him, the root of character is competence. From these competencies will give some other aspects such as integrity related to trust, intention to act for the benefit of many people, ability to accomplish many things, as well as past results as a view step in the current act. “Some things are the keys of every human being to be recognized successfully through their respective characters,” he added.

This man from Banyumas added that he had three principles that were always implanted in the past. First is strengthening integrity because he thinks it is an absolute must-have for the leader. The Second one is strengthening competence because it is part of professionalism. The third is to multiply the network to be able to collaborate. “And most important is, remember that success is not a destination but a journey,” he concluded. (sep/owi/rev)

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