ITS Campus, ITS News – Welcoming ITS new graduate student 2019, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) staged Studium Generale with the theme of postgraduate role in human resource development (SDM) in Society 5.0 in Indonesia. The event is one of a series of Informasi dan Pengenalan ITS (IPITS) held on Thursday (22/8) at ITS robotics building.
Deputy for Coordination of People, Village and Area Empowerment Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Sonny Harry Budi Utomo HSE explained, each level of education has its purpose or objectives. At the graduate level itself, he said, we expect that a graduate student can think creatively and solutive towards the problems faced.
The educational goal for master program students is to produce alumni who can think analytical in seeing the cause of a problem. Meanwhile, for the level of the doctoral program is expected to be a problem-solver of the problem. “If the doctoral program already has to be able to formulate themselves, newness their knowledge already stands out,” said the man who is familiarly called Sonny.
Hopefully, said Sonny, a graduate student can realize greater demands compared to when they are still at the undergraduate level. “Self-reliance is needed during the learning process until graduates,” he said.
Sonny also explains the needs of the quality of human resources and the needs of today’s industry continue to change. It is supported by the Society 5.0 era where there is so many digitalization in people’s life. Thus, many human relationships have been conceptually changed because they are supported by technology. “For example, when studying, lectures, until social life requires no face to face anymore,” he said.
To ITS graduate student, Sonny describes the challenges that will be faced in the future by building accommodating and flexible information technology infrastructure. It also develops the interconnection of hardware on internet networks, as well as robotic technology. (vi/owi/rev)
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