ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to unleash its efforts to compete in the international arena. This time through an international cooperation program between Departement of Civil Engineering ITS, which is driven by concrete laboratories and building materials with Heriot-Watt University (HWU), Edinburgh, Scotland. This activity is an international workshop with the theme ofPROMOTE: Promote the Utilisation of Low-carbon Concrete through Performance Testing.
The activity that took place at the Grand East Ballroom Hotel Oakwood was opened by Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Geo Engineering (FTSLK) ITS, Budi Suswanto ST MT Ph.D. He is very grateful for the opportunity of cooperation given and also appreciates the speakers who have been present for the transfer of knowledge on this occasion. “Hopefully the results of this discussion can strengthen the collaboration and also give a real contribution impact,” he said.
This activity is also expected to provide benefits from the increasing side of understanding related to the use of low carbon materials in the construction world. As it has been known together, as long as this world of construction is known as a considerable carbon contributor. It provides a less good impact on environmental conditions especially those associated with global warming.
Furthermore, this international workshop itself is a collaborative activity between ITS with HWU which is funded through the Global Challenges Research Fund program. The leader of this project is Dr. Benny Suryanto of HWU and in cooperation with Prof Priyo Suprobo as head of The Laboratory of Concrete and Building Material
Among the speakers were Dr. Benny Suryanto, Dr. Gerard Starrs, and Dr. Alan Foster. All three are speakers from Heriot-Watt University. Also, there is Prof. Djwantoro Hardjito which is derived from Petra Christian University, and ITS was represented by Dr. Januarti Jaya Ekaputri. Each speaker shows their topic about low-carbon material especially aimed at achieving the use of environmentally friendly materials and construction.
Previously, in March 2019, a model of low-carbon development approaches has been introduced to the wider community. The International workshop itself is one of ITS efforts to cooperate with HWU to support it. The use of low carbon materials in the construction world is expected to produce a construction product that performs well, efficiently in terms of cost and can certainly reduce carbon emissions that have been large enough.
Interviewed separately, Dr. Benny Suryanto explained that this cooperation activity aims to make a positive impact through the transfer of knowledge between the two parties. ITS is one of the biggest colleges in Indonesia that focuses on many things related to research and technology applications. This is the background of this cooperation program. Many experiments, different technological applications, and costs are not minimal to research about low-carbon materials.
Benny said, each region has its uniqueness and also problems with different solutions. The most important thing is how to cope with environmental problems with the use of low-carbon materials. “We hope that with this cooperation can be more helpful in its application in Indonesia, especially in structures such as buildings, bridges, and others,” he said. (lut/owi/rev)
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