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September 05, 2019 08:09

ITS Wins 3rd Place in Kemenristekdikti’s Innovation Product Award

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ITS Rector, Prof. Mochamad Ashari, showed the trophy and award certificate shortly after receiving The Widyapadhi Award

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as a campus that continues to be committed to innovating in developing the country, won The Widyapadhi Award from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). The award was received at the 24th National Technology Resurgence Day (Hakteknas) Appreciation Night at the campus of the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar, Bali, Tuesday (27/8).

At each annual Hakteknas event, Kemenristekdikti always gives awards to those who have made breakthroughs in producing innovative products for the country. The awards that were given are for the provincial government, district or city governments, universities, non-governmental institutions, communities or community institutions, industry, and the general public.

ITS Rector, Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, who received the award said that this year ITS received an award in the category of Widyapadhi with the subcategory of innovation products by ranked the third place for universities.

The Widyapadhi Award is a gift to appreciate higher education achievements in building innovation systems through strengthening the policies, institutions, resources, and innovation networks to produce innovative products.

The rector who often called Ashari said that ITS could occupy third place in this award for the innovative products that continue to be produced in recent years. Those are GESITS electric motor vehicles, applications for ordering and purchasing food (ITS Food), the design of Light Rail Transit (LRT) for Jabodebek and Palembang City, and early warning system for ships namely AISITS, and also other innovative products that have been produced by ITS for Indonesia.

For the results of those innovative products, ITS managed to rank third place in the subcategory of innovation products after competing with 12 other university finalists in this category. Whereas the first place is occupied by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and second place by the Bogor Institute of Agricultural (IPB).

ITS Rector, Prof. Mochamad Ashari, when received The Widyapadhi Award given by the Kemenristekdikti Director General of Research and Development Strengthening, Muhammad Dimyati

According to Ashari, this success was the result of the cooperation of all parties at ITS. “Because the data used in the awarding assessment system is the data for past three years until this year, so this is the result of the achievement of all ITS academicians,” said the Professor of Electrical Engineering.

Ashari explained, to perfect all the achievements and innovative products that have been produced by ITS for the past three years, his side continues to strive to improve the data. Because he realized, data is an important aspect that is included in the assessment. Without a good data presentation, all achievements that have been made by ITS will not be conveyed properly. “The achievements of ITS has been extraordinary, with the support of good data, it will be even better,” he said.

The visitors of the exhibition, who were mostly school students, tried the EMuseum 3D Innovation at ITS booth at the Ritech Expo 2019 in Denpasar, Bali

Ashari also stated ITS was serious in this field of innovation. Starting next year, ITS with the help of Asian Development Bank (ADB) funds will build and equip the ITS science and Techno Park (STP) area. Later in that area, it will be centered on all innovation and research development activities, as well as the development of start-up of these products.

For innovation products, Ashari said, so far ITS already has products that become a national icon. One of them is electric vehicles, automotive world, marine innovations as well as shipbuilding and robotics. “The four fields are attached to ITS name,” he said smiling.

In the future, Ashari added, ITS will develop other icons. One of them is in the field of creative industry which is digital design. “For example, the LRT in Palembang and Jabodebek are the design results of ITS,” he said.

Menristekdikti, Mohamad Nasir, delivers his speech at the National Technology Resurgence Day (Hakteknas) Appreciation Night

“Hopefully, the existence of this appreciation can continue to motivate the innovators in Indonesia to continue to work,” said Nasir when giving his speech.

Nasir hopes that the innovators will not stop innovating after receiving the award. He hopes the future will be better.

“Hopefully it will also spread and inspire others to follow to continue innovating,” said Nasir.

Indonesian Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, accompanied by ITS Rector, Prof. Mochamad Ashari, reviewed some innovative works at ITS booth at the 2019 Ritech Expo in Denpasar, Bali

The appreciation night was held on the sidelines of the 2019 Ritech Expo annual exhibition, which was held at the Puputan Margarana, Renon, Denpasar. ITS also participated in the exhibition which was closed by the Indonesian Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, Wednesday (28/8). (gayatri/ITS Public Relation)

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