ITS Campus, ITS News – having succeeded in establishing a position on several ranking or rankings of world-class universities last year, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has again shown its appeal. This time, ITS re-gain its position in the World University Rankings (WUR) 2020 in Times Higher Education (THE) version.
Rewritten at the beginning of September 2019, ITS managed to be one of the six universities in Indonesia that are showed up in the rankings and with other world’s best colleges.
THE is one of the world’s credible institutions that present university performance data, particularly in the global Top University ranking. At the WUR 2020 rating, there are almost 1.400 universities from 92 countries that have successfully seized the top global position. Included ITS and five other universities in Indonesia.
Responding to this, the rector of the Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng admitted that this success is the result of the hard work of all academic and all ITS leaders. ITS plans as a World Class University (WCU) itself has been done since 10 years ago. “It is when ITS transforming its status into a Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) and continues until the era of a public university with wide-autonomy called Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Berbadan Hukum(PTN-BH),” he added.
Ashari described that the assessment carried out by THE is based on 13 performance indicators that measure the performance of universities in four aspects including teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and internationalization. Successfully reached the range of 10.7 to 22.1, ITS successfully stand out on 1001 + position.
The score, according to Ashari, comes from a teaching score of 19.6; A research score of 11.1 obtained from the number and reputation of the research; and the international scientific publication score of 23.4. Then ITS synergize with the industrial world is rewarded with a score of 62.6, and internationalization activities got a score of 34.7.
As said by this bespectacled man, a high score in terms of synergism with industry gained from ITS successes in developing PT ITS Tekno Science. That’s where innovation and inventions of civitas academica were born and growing to enter the industrial area. “From there, a variety of cooperation with the industry that implicates the revenue can be driven more broadly, with easier service,” said the professor of Departement of Electrical Engineering.
As it’s known, the company led by Dr. Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT has successfully funded up to 65 percent of ITS operational costs. Spoken by Ashari, currently, the program planning and ITS budget year 2020 is being compiled in hopes of achievement that continues to rise exponentially from the previous year.
Ashari stated that the planning is done closely, and accompanied by the escort of intensive program implementation. “We hoped that the achievement of next year’s position will be better,” said the lecturer who once served as head of Departement of Electrical Engineering ITS.
Besides, Ashari added, ITS successes is also not separated from the work motivation applied. Namely LOR, which is an acronym of Service, Output, and Reputation. “Give excellent service, create superior output, and achieve the best reputation,” said Ashari. (yus/rev/ITS Public Relations)
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