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October 20, 2019 21:10

ITS Bayucaraka Team Wins Three Awards at 2019 KRTI

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

The Bayucaraka Team when preparing one of their aircraft robots to compete

ITS Campus, ITS News – After conquering the international event in Turkey, The Bayucaraka Team of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) was again successful at the national level. This time, the ITS flying robot team won three awards in 2019 Indonesian Flying Robot Competition (KRTI) which was held at the Navy Air Force Field, Grati, Pasuruan for five days, starting Tuesday (1/10).

General Manager (GM) of ITS Bayucaraka team, Putu Wisnu Bhaskara Putrawan explained, the three awards are first place winner in the Airframe subdivision of Technology Development (TD) category, third place winner in the Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) category, and Best Design in the Flight Controller subdivision of TD category.

In the Airframe subdivision of TD category, the entire team was required to design a hybrid aircraft prototype which was a combination of helicopters and planes. So that the aircraft can go up like helicopters at the same time can fly like planes in general.

ITS Bayucaraka team which presented Bayusuta Hybrid V01 aircraft in that category successfully flew on a narrow terrain and did not need a long runway. “So it becomes the advantage of our aircraft,” said the student who is often called Wishnu when contacted via online messages.

The Bayucaraka’ aircraft robot when ready to be flown in 2019 KRTI competition in Pasuruan

While in the VTOL category, each aircraft was also required to complete a mission, which is to drop seven objects on the target. Wisnu said the Bayucaraka’ Soeromiber v4 aircraft had also succeeded in excelling at speed and accuracy in completing its mission when compared to other teams.

While the aircraft named Mas Bay which representing the ITS Bayucaraka team in the Flight Controller subdivision of TD category successfully displays different technologies compared to other participants. “This aircraft can provide information about navigation, images, altitude, tilt, and can be known directly from the screen below,” said the Computer Engineering student.

The ITS Bayucaraka team aircraft robot succeeded in carrying loads during the competition

In addition to the three aircraft, Wishnu added, in fact, the ITS Bayucaraka team also launched two other aircraft, namely Jatayujet 10 aircraft in the Racing Plane (RP) category and Naya V3 aircraft in the Fixed Wing (FW) category.

He regretted that the two aircraft of his team still had no chance to win. “The reason is that the wind condition that was far from previous predictions have resulted in both of our aircraft being unable to fly,” he said.

ITS Bayucaraka team after competing at the 2019 KRTI competition in Pasuruan

According to Wishnu, it will be an evaluation for the team whose aircraft design currently does not adequate. In the future, Wishnu and his team will examine again so they can design an aircraft that can withstand various conditions.

Wishnu also hopes that the same mistake will not be repeated in the next year. “Hopefully KRTI in the next year Bayucaraka team can win the overall championship titles,” he concluded hopefully. (sof/gayatri/ITS Public Relation)

The ITS Bayucaraka Team celebrated its success in the 2019 Indonesian Flying Robot Competiton (KRTI) 

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