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October 21, 2019 17:10

Nogogeni Brings Home Two 2019 KMHE Awards

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

The Nogogeni electric car, V Eve, when led by the team along with the ITS flag entered the competition arena.

ITS Campus, ITS News – One of the pride teams of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again demonstrated its greatness. Participating their two cars in the 2019 Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) on September 28, ITS Nogogeni succeeded in bringing home two awards at once from two different categories.

Ngurah Gatot Saguna Wijaya, the General Manager of ITS Nogogeni Team admitted, he and the team started this competition with quite confident. This is because they arrived at the event circuit earlier than the other teams. Besides, their car had a chance to try out the race track, so the Nogogeni car was one hundred percent ready to compete.

The Nogogeni car V Evo 803 (front) and Nogogeni car V 605 (rear) carried out rehearsal as well as car inspection, at the 2019 Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) circuit.

“It is because on the first day there were some participants who had not arrived yet. Besides, many participants still making improvements, “he explained.

Mohammad Firmansyah, the Technical Manager of the ITS Nogogeni Team revealed, the strategy used in the 2019 KMHE is completely left to the drivers. He believes that drivers can adjust the characteristics of each car against the situation and the track conditions.

With such thorough preparation, the ITS Nogogeni team succeeded in winning first place in the category of the urban electric car with a range of 151.077 km/kWh and also winning second place in the category of urban ethanol car with a range of 245.397 km/liter.

With the assessment criteria based on the achievement of the highest savings and speed of travel time, the two cars managed to race 10 laps in less than 27 minutes. “It is as required in the contest,” said Firman.

ITS Nogogeni Team posed after finishing the last race on Friday (25/9), along with two energy-saving cars.

However, the victory was not just achieved. Firman said that his team had experienced problems with the controller on the electric urban car. During the match, several members were worried about the durability of the controller used because it was the result of their assembly, and it was the first time they tried in a competition.

“Thankfully the thing that was concerned did not happen, the controller can function normally until the match is over,” he said happily.

This victory did not necessarily make his team proud. Firman claimed that he and the team will continue to evaluate every mistake in each race. This was done because the car from the other teams also will keep trying to catch up. He also reminded the big goal of his team is to represent ITS or Indonesia in the international arena.

After KMHE, Firman conveyed, there will be a routine agenda participated by Nogogeni, namely the Shell Eco-Marathon at the Asian level. The ITS Nogogeni team will continue to learn from mistakes, continue research, and continue to develop innovations to continue to grow and be able to represent Indonesia in the event.

In their struggle to work on the project, the ITS Nogogeni team was guided by three lecturers for three different fields. Dedy Zulhidayat ST MT Ph.D. as the supervisor of the urban electric team, Ir Joko Sarsetyianto MT as the supervisor of the urban ethanol team, while the supervisor in the body and chasing section was guided by Andhika Estiyono ST MT, a lecturer in the Product Design department.

“We must work extra hard and also sincere in carrying out the mandate,” he said.

Firman hopes that this victory will motivate others to contribute to the alma mater. As a young generation, innovations from many research can be inscribed, especially for things that support the nation. “For example, in the automotive field like us (ITS Nogogeni Team, red), which later will help Indonesia meet the needs of vehicles without the need to import,” he concluded. (ion12/rur/gayatri)

Successfully went on stage while carrying two awards at once, the entire ITS Nogogeni Team was happy and proud to pose.

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