ITS Campus, ITS News – Despite the growth of its thin export value, the provincial government of East Java has considerable economic potential. Aimed at socializing the matter to ITS students, the Department of Business Management Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held a guest lecture on Thursday (24/11).
The head of international trade in the Department of Industry and Trade (DISPERINDAG) of East Java Province, Ir Desak Nyoman Siksiawati MMA, which presented as a speaker said, East Java is still on a scale of value growth exports are relatively mediocre. This is evidenced by the percentage of micro small and medium enterprises (MSMES) that are ready to be executed still under one percent.
That number then becomes the center of attention together in determining the vision of work forward. “This needs to be optimized again through the export acceleration program as well as works with communities and colleges,” said the woman who often called Desak when giving guest lecture materials.
One of the causes of the lack of potential, according to the Desak, because of the issues that often arise in the community and easily mobilize the community. These issues have subsequently impacted several sectors, including the trade and export of the state.
Therefore, she continued, one of the efforts to reduce this influence is through cooperation with universities in Indonesia, East Java, in particular. “One that we can (Disperindag province East Java, red) do is to socialize to the students like this, ” said the woman born in Tabanan, Bali.
Reviewing the issue of the largest export commodity owned by East Java said Desak, non-oil and gas commodities (oil and gas) is the top position. Counted in total exports during August 2019, gas accounted for 94.21 percent. The country that is the largest target of East Java exports is Japan, which is then followed by America, China, and Singapore in the next position.
“Gems are the largest commodity of East Java nationwide. Besides, there are also wood, copper, animal fats or vegetable, fish and shrimp, and many more, “said officer whose birth in 1965.
To increase the number of East Java exports, said Desak, there are some fundamental obstacles that are a common challenge. Externally, the high logistics costs and the presence of bureaucratic procedures incurring additional costs, causing perpetrators to struggle in exporting activities.
In addition, she added that the state of the U.S. trade war with China has also had a major influence on the export of East Java. “If internally, business people are still doubtful about the international share, there are also still constrained business capital,” said the mother of two children.
This challenge, Desak continued, they require special efforts, one of them through synergy between the government, academics and business people. This synergy is necessary to make common policies that are useful in increasing the value of exports. In addition, a special team named acceleration development Industry Area Team (TFP2KI) formed by the government of East Java province is also one way. “The main goal of the team is the realization of existence, synchronization, and institutional coordination to be able to perform each task effectively,” he explained.
Lastly, for students as an element of academics, Desak hopes that there are an active contribution and cooperation to overcome all the constraints of East Java export. Because, through students, can be formed a new generation of business ventures with very high creativity. “All the students are great. Because it’s a big hope this nation is waiting for your contributions (students, red) current and in the future, “She reminds.(mad/rev/ITS Public Relations)
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