ITS News

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November 24, 2019 14:11

ITS Team Successfully Won the 2019 KJI-KBGI General Champion Title

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

The contingent of ITS KJI-KBGI team along with the lecturer supervisor, Bambang Picesa ST MT Ph.D. (standing left) and Afif Navir Refani ST MT (standing right)

ITS Campus, ITS News – As if to be a present for the ITS 59th Anniversary celebration, the achievement of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) re-echoed through the victory achieved by the team of Applied Civil Infrastructure Engineering students from the Faculty of Vocational Studies and the team of Civil Engineering students from the Faculty of Civil, Environment and Earth Engineering (FTSLK). The ITS contingent successfully won the General Champion title in the 15th Indonesian Bridge Competition (KJI) and the 11th Indonesian Building Competition (KBGI) which started on Friday (8/11).

Right at the celebration of ITS 59th Anniversary, Sunday (10/11), the happy news came from the KJI-KBGI team that competing at the Jakarta State Polytechnic. In this prestigious annual competition for Civil Engineering students, the ITS contingent successfully won the General Champion title in both competitions.

For KJI, ITS was represented by Rif’at Arya Samboga and Rizki Rahman Robbani who are members of the Octagon team. The “Rakendo” bridge designed by both of them was able to win the first prize in the curved bridges field. Besides, the team consisting of students from the Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department also won three championship categories. “Namely, the Most Beautiful Bridge category, the Strongest Bridges category, and the Bridges with Best Innovation category,” Rif’at explained.

Bridge design by the ITS Octagon team in the 2019 Indonesia Bridge Contest (KJI)

Winning the general champion title was something beyond the expectations of Rif’at and Rahman. The reason is many other universities whose contingents qualified in several categories. However, in this year, ITS must be complacent by sending one team category as the competition finalist.

In a rough count, with just only one team, of course, it is unlikely for ITS to win the general champion title. But unexpectedly, this proud ITS team became the dark horse in the competition and was able to achieve many champions.

Afif Navir Refani ST MT as the supervisor of the KJI team explained that based on the jury’s decision, ITS was able to win the general champion title based on the total score obtained. Thus, the number of teams that qualified to compete as finalists were not counted. “Since this year, the winner of the category is evenly distributed, no universities are dominating the champions in many categories,” Navir said.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Building Competition (KBGI) represented by the Afirmasi Cakrawala team was able to regain the general champion title that had been won in 2017. The team is from the Civil Engineering Department with members of Muhammad Anhar Prakoso, Virliana Amanda, Mohammad Ryan Rama Albertino, Ahnaf Syarif, and Damang Galuh Wahyudianto. The team also won three championship categories, namely the Structural Performance category, the Conformity Implementation of Design category, and the 12-story Seismic Building Performance category.

For the Conformity Implementation of Design category was achieved by ITS contingent for the number of compatibility between the design in the proposal with the assembly in the field. “There are three aspects in the results of our assembly that outperformed the initial design,” said Muhammad Anhar Prakoso or often called Anhar, one of the members of the Afirmasi Cakrawala team.

These three aspects are the implementation time which is two minutes faster than expected, the building weight of 52 kilograms which is two kilograms lighter than expected, and the earthquake style that was able to be accepted by the design building, that is 45 kilograms from 53 kilograms in the planning.

2-story building design by ITS Afirmasi Cakrawala team at the 2019 Indonesia Building Contest Competition (KBGI)

Furthermore, Anhar did not dismiss the obstacles faced by his team during the competition, which is the technical obstacle that requires the assembly activities late from the original schedule, making him and his team finish the work until the night. This is because the material cutting phase itself takes nine hours, while the new assembly starts in the afternoon.

However, the obstacles did not become a barrier for the Afirmasi Cakrawala team to carve achievement. The determination to be a general champion has intended the team from the beginning of proposal submission. “We are grateful and very happy. Moreover, the announcement coincides with the ITS anniversary on November 10th, ” Anhar said.

Responding to this proud achievement, Navir as the supervisor of the KJI team again advised transmitting the champions ‘virus’ so that many students would be interested to participate in this kind of competition. “Reflecting on this competition, basically all students have the potential to win, but the ones who prepare and practice well are the champions,” he said. (tri/gayatri/ITS Public Relation)

All teams participating in the KJI-KBGI event

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