ITS News

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November 26, 2019 16:11

Innovating Metal Corrosion Inhibitors, ITS Achieve Another Award

Oleh : adminits | | Source : ITS Online

From the left: the award of Princess Anafiesma, Ulfa Miki Fitriana, Ahnaf, Hafildatur Rosyidah, and Mochammad Yusuf Irianto.

ITS Campus, ITS News – see the possibility of corrosion in food packaging metals, five students of the Sepuluh Nopember Institut (ITS) innovating an inhibitor as a corrosion inhibitor. The innovations brought them a silver medal in the Advanced Innovation Global Competition (AIGC) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), for three days starting Friday (15/11) ago.

It was Ahnaf, Mochammad Yusuf Irianto, Hafildatur Rosyidah, Grace Princess Anafiesma, and Ulfa Miki Fitriana. The students come from the Department of Chemistry. The team leaser, Ahnaf said, the innovations that they developed are innovations that they have ever compete in the Student Creativity Program (PKM).

Anhaf said that the metal packaging of food that is separate from the coating can certainly harm the consumers who are nurturing the food. Because there are certain metals with high concentrations. “This is very dangerous when it comes to consumption by humans,” he said.

Ahnaf added, to deal with it, he and his team need to develop a corrosion rate inhibitor in iron using inhibitors. “These inhibitors are derived from plant extracts, making it safer when used,” said the student of batch 2017.

Ahnaf revealed that he researched with his team for at least six months. They face many challenges such as mistakes in testing procedures. “So it needs a lot of iterations (repetition, red) to be done” added this man who was born in 1999.

According to him, the innovations they have developed has several advantages. Among them are necessary materials that are easily obtained, to reduce costs in the process of creation. “Also the materials which we used are environmentally friendly, so it is safe for the environment and can be used in a long period” he explained.

It’s no wonder that the innovations they develop can make the judged amazed. Because the research of the study of Dra Harmami MSi is the only one research in Indonesia. “As well as the first research studied,” he added.

Ahnaf hopes that this brilliant innovation that they develop can be continued and can be applied to the food packaging industry such as sardines packaging cans. Also, there is a further development of this research. “To find better results in its application,” he concluded.(chi/qin/rev)

Proses pengujian inhibitor penghambat korosi pada logam kemasan makanan.

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