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November 30, 2019 16:11

ITS Successfully Add Five Scientific Journals Sinta Indexed

Oleh : itsmis | | Source :

Head of the CInstitute of Research and Community Service(LPPM) ITS Ir Ervina Ahyudanari ME PhD

ITS Campus, ITS News-Journal is one of the important tools for researchers and students to publicize the results of its research to be beneficial to the wider community. Related to this, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) adding five more scientific journals that successfully indexed Science and Technology Index (Sinta) from the Ministry of Research and Technology/ Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (Kemenristek/BRIN) on Monday (25/11) in Jakarta.

The five journals are included IJCSAM (International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics), IPTEK the Journal for Technology and Science, GEOID: Journal of Geodesy and Geomatics, Geosaintek Journal, and ITS Science and Art Journal.

Head of Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) ITS Ir Ervina Ahyudanari ME Ph.D. mentions, with the addition of five journals, then ITS Total has had 14 scientific journals that have been successfully indexed Sinta Of the 28 journals in ITS.

Sinta was given to a scientific journal that was successfully submitted through the Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional Portal (Arjuna). Ervina reveals that the entry of research articles on the indexed journals also indicates the quality of the articles. “For lecturers, will certainly increase their credits,” he said.

ITS that currently has 900 more lecturers and 20,000-an students this has great potential in publishing their scientific articles. Therefore, Ervina would regret it if various research of ITS students and lecturers were not published in various journals. “The cost of publishing articles in several journals belonging to ITS is free,” said the Lecturer of Department of Civil Engineering ITS.

Five certificates of scientific journals published by ITS successfully indexed by Sinta of Kemerinstek/BRIN

The journals published by ITS, according to Ervina, also have their uniqueness. Unlike other institutions, the journal published by the ITS has a more specific scope. “So it’s no wonder that many of ITS journals are successfully indexed by Sinta,” said this air transport expert.

Some of the terms are the publication of articles for two consecutive years and in a year there are at least two different issues. Then there should be a minimum of five articles on each of these issues.

Currently, according to Ervina again, ITS is processing the proposal of three other scientific journals to be announced next year. “Hopefully, the entire journal that is owned later can be indexed all,” she concluded with full of hope. (sof/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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