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November 30, 2019 15:11

ITS Team Won Two Award at Once in Russia

Oleh : itsmis | | Source :

Tita Oxa Anggrea (right) and Frankstein Arphan proudly posed after succeeding to be the winner in two competition of tOil and Gas Horizons XI in Moscow, Rusia

ITS Campus, ITS News – The name of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again become the champion in international competition. These two students, Tita Oxa Anggrea and Frankstein Arphan, again succeeded in winning the proud achievement as the first winner in two competitions of Oil and Gas Horizons XI in Moscow, Russia on 18-24 November.

Tita Oxa Anggrea or usually called Ocha with Frankstein won the 1st place for Paper Competition at the event held by the Society Petroleum Engineer (SPE) Gubkin University, Russia. In the event of the competition that was held one week, the ITS team that cooperate with Pertamina Hulu Energi not only compete with the participants who are undergraduate students (S1) but also doctoral students (S3).

IThe idea that comes from their interest in the utilization of a thin layer of the oil backup layer that is so important in existence. The coating with a thickness of only 0.1 – 1 feets is often ignored. If utilized with the well-being can give profit up to 4 million USD per one drilling well.

IThis idea then brought him to Pertamina Hulu Energi to do the research. Well received, the Ocha and Frankstein teams were met with the explorator of Pertamina. His research results with Ahmad Nahjwal and Adi Gunawan, explorator from Pertamina, resulted in positive results that will be used as reference material in the company to produce the coating layer.

Using three integrated methods, the data obtained in the Student Research Department of the Departement of Physics and The Department of Geophysical engineering is very good and accurate. Starting from deconvolution resistivity by using the log image and analyzing laminated shaly sand using the method Thomas Steiber and Monte Carlo Uncertainty, make a thin layer that was originally neglected to be detected.

As a result, this cooperative research received an international award from the oil and gas companies in Russia, as well as recognition from academics at Gubkin University. “We also would like to thank Pertamina Hulu Energi for its chance to do some research in the utilization of oil and gas energy,” said the student from Pamekasan, Madura. He also expressed his gratitude to Pupuk Kaltim who helped support his team’s Paper Competition research.

Tita Oxa Anggrea and Frankstein Arphan together with one team Petroolympic Case Study Competition completed a rally to solve the problem of the petroleum industry in Russia

This activity was attended by at least by participants from 18 European countries and American countries such as Russia, Poland, Switzerland, Ukraine, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, and others. In addition to winning the title in the paper contest, Ocha and Frankstein also had the chance to earn the 1st title for the Petroolympic Case Study Competition.

“At the Case Study competition, the team collaborated with other participants from different countries,” explained this student who was born in 1998. In the competition, teams were challenged to solve problems given by Russian oil companies. The Indonesian name also certainly took a world in the scene thanks to the achievement brought home by Ocha and Frankstein from Russia. (qaf/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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