ITS Campus, ITS News — The global warming issue is the responsibility of all humans. Contributing in raising awareness on the urgency of global warming, students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) won favorite place at the digital poster competition of the 2019 Environmental Geography Students Association (EGSA) Fair.
They were Ramadhani Yusdhaliyanti and Shinta Amelia, students of the Industrial Chemical Engineering Department who succeeded in upholding the name of ITS to the national level. Encouraged by the competition theme, Linking Global Challenge and Conservation for Sustainable Development, these two students of batch 2019 raised the idea of reducing the impact of global warming. “I totally did not expect to win, because there were many others who have better designs and have more interesting ideas to raise,” expressed Rahma.
Rahma realized that global warming is a very interesting topic of discussion. However, unfortunately, it is still difficult and rare for people to apply solutions in their everyday lives. “Our poster showed the four steps we can take to prevent global warming,” she indicated after participating in the competition held by Universitas Gadjah Mada.
She then continued that global warming itself has an impact on increasing atmospheric temperatures, melting polar ice caps, and reducing the land area. Referring to her poster, global warming is caused by burning and illegal logging, the use of excess electricity, and a row of buildings with a greenhouse concept. “Apart from that, air pollution caused by motor vehicles and factory activities also has a huge effect,” she elaborated.
We should not remain silent, humans, as leaders of the earth, must act. The main step we can take is environmental conservation through tree planting or implementing the concept of reducing, and recycling. Later on, reducing the use of motorized vehicles by cycling or walking. “We also have to save electricity and provide education to the community around us,” emphasized this student from Jember.
At the end of the interview, Rahma advised students to make achievements amidst the many assignments and lecture activities. “As technical students, we have many opportunities to contribute in caring for the earth,” she concluded. (zar/rur/ory)
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