ITS campus, ITS News – Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, but still not a lot of halal food studies that strengthen the capabilities of the organization, the company, and the Halal Research Centre. Seeing this, Prof Iwan Vanany ST MT PhD, one of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) lecturers, conducted research on the study of halal food products in hopes of contributing both from the practical side and from the scientific side.
Iwan explained, what is done in this study is to make a quality assurance assessment model help the business actors halal food industry. “Existing models have not been comprehensive, because it does not indicate the linkage between criteria Halal Assurance System (HAS) with the process, factors, to determine the action plan,” said the lecturer of Industrial engineering.
He said that there is still a vacant research space that has not been done from the science side, and there are still models and software needed by practitioners. The research that began in 2018 has two main exteriors that have been successfully completed. First, the model of the Halal Assurance assessment implemented in a chicken product processing industry in East Java, where the results have been published in the Journal of Islamic Marketing.
The second is to create software for the traceability-based information system for the Institute of Auditors and halal food providers. “So there are two copyrights in total, namely Halal Assurance Information System (HAIS) software and customization rules and modules in ERP Odoo System that has been successfully created, in addition, it has been published in four international seminars reputable,” explained Iwan.
He explained, in making a quality assurance assessment model used Quality management model with the method of Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Where the main guideline is the HAS Guide and business process in the Halal food processing industry. In addition, to facilitate programmers in making software-implemented business process mapping science with Unified Modeling Language (UML) method.
“The Model of the Halal assurance assessment that has been implemented in the chicken product processing industry requires three stages,” said Iwan. The first stage identifies the criteria of the HAS related case study process. The second stage determines the critical and related halal factors. Last is determining the action plan based on a large impact value reduces the likelihood of absence, which occurs from the initial process to the final process of halal food products.
The man who had studied at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) said that the research was successful because of collaboration with other fellow lecturers of the Department of Industrial, Informatics, and electrical engineering, as well as the students of ITS Industrial Engineering, and the provider of Halal products assurance BPJPH.
He hoped that the resulting in his research could be used by practitioners related to halal food. “So far, the model of their software has become one of the references for BPJPH partners who want to make a halal management information system in Indonesia,” he concluded.
(meg/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)
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