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February 01, 2020 18:02

ITS Lecturer Created Revolution in Organization Productivity Measurement at PT. PLN

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

Ahmad Rusdiansyah (two from right) with his team in developing a productivity SIM model for PT PLN

ITS Campus, ITS News –  Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) lecturers continues to innovating to eliminate research in resolving real problems in community and in industry. This time, several lecturers from the Department of System and Industrial Engineering and Business Management department succeeded in developing a management Information system (SIM) productivity to help PT PLN (Persero) Increase the productivity of the company.

Based on surveys and in-depth literature studies on four business categories in PT PLN, which is the generator, transmission, distribution, and development, the team coordinated by the department of System and Industry Engineering ITS Dr Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah M Eng managed to develop information systems based on Cloud Technology. The information system translates the integrated productivity measurement Model developed collaboratively by ITS team and the Human Capital Management System (HCMS) of PT PLN since 2014. This Model is an application of science Operations Research and Management Strategic.

According to Ahmad Rusdiansyah, who currently serves as Vice Rector of human resources, technology, and information systems, the model is different from the productivity measurement model that has been implemented in PT PLN. This Model developed using multi-output and multi-input to replace single-output and single-input which has been the reference of PT PLN.

“To compare productivity in PT PLN units across Indonesia with various its diversity, need a robust productivity model, pay attention to various aspects of technical, financial, and complex human resources,” said the lecturer who is familiarly called Doddy.

The situation when the Teleconference was heldAnother contribution from this new model is to pay attention to the equality and fairness aspects. “During this time, the measurement of productivity does not notice the difference in geographic and social demographic difficulties between the units in Java Island and units located in the corners of the Papua province for example,” added Naning Aranti Wessiani ST MM, the other members of ITS team who are also from the Department of Systems and Industrial engineering.

Another team member, Nugroho Priyo Negoro ST SE MT, ITS Business Management lecturer added that it involved many students to collect data and facts from various regions in Indonesia ranging from the border area in NTT, in the corners of central Kalimantan to the unit in the center of Jakarta. In addition, various Focussed Group Discussion (FGD) is implemented iteratively. The goal is to capture as many environmental factors as possibly affecting the productivity of various units of PT PLN across Indonesia.

To strengthen the quality of the model, the combined teams and PLN also benchmarking in the electrical services company in two Asian countries. “We are not only learning from them, but they are also interested in the model developed by the Indonesian, ” said Arief Rahman ST. MSc, ITS Lecturer in Systems Engineering and industry, which was assigned to the benchmarking.

Meanwhile, on Thursday (30/1) ago, housed in the War Room head office of PT PLN Jakarta has also been conducted soft-launching SIM of PT PLN productivity by the director of Human Capital Management (HCM) PT. PLN, Muhammad Ali through a teleconference. The event lasted for two full hours and was followed by more than 50 General Manager of PT PLN across Indonesia.

Atmosphere of launching on the monitor screen of one unit of PT PLN

The inauguration at the central level is a continuation of the soft launching as well as a workshop that has been implemented in five major cities, namely Surabaya, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Yogyakarta, and Makassar. “This is a revolution in productivity measurement in PLN,” said Doddy impersonates the director of HCM PT PLN in the soft launching event. This information system is planned to be tested in 2020 before it will actually be applied.

According to Doddy’s information, a variety of positive responses to this information system is conveyed by audiences from various regions in the question and answer session at the event hosted by the head of HCMS division of PT PLN Najahul Imtihan and accompanied by Pionar Sibarani as senior manager in HCMS division of PT PLN.

For the future plan, Doddy says, this information system will be enriched with its features and connected directly to the Data system Warehousing. So it is hoped to be a tool for decision making of PT PLN in the field of human resource management and organization in the red-plate electrical company.

At the end of the conversation, Doddy revealed that ITS participation in developing a productivity SIM in PT PLN is a valuable opportunity to demonstrate ITS contribution to real problem-solving in the industrial world. (ri/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)

ITS team and HCMS team PT PLN taking photos together

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