ITS Campus, ITS News — Every leader has their own leadership style. Likewise, Prof. Hamzah Fansuri, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., who was given the mandate to lead the Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (SCIENTICS) for the next five years, has his own authentic leadership style. Aware of the world industry’s need for Faculty of SCIENTICS graduates, Hamzah hoped to be able to lead SCIENTICS to answer the challenges in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
When interviewed by the ITS Online Team, this lecturer who is familiarly called Hamzah revealed that even though the Faculty of SCIENTICS is a merge of two faculties, namely the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Mathematics and Data Computation, which are considered two different knowledge clusters, one being natural science and while another is data science, he believed that the Faculty of SCIENTICS can work together in responding to the challenges in the digital era.
“Since the two merged faculties originated from the same faculty before being separated in 2017, I am sure that a synergy between these two different knowledge clusters can be established,” expressed Hamzah.
However, this lecturer at the Department of Chemistry also admitted that the different characteristics of each department also pose a challenge for the Faculty of SCIENTICS. Therefore, Hamzah planned to equally improve the quality of the department. “Those that are already strong will be strengthened again and those that are still lacking will be repaired immediately,” he stated.
Hamzah continued by identifying several problems that occurred in this faculty that he leads. Among them is the lack of facilities and infrastructure, such as lecturer rooms, laboratories, and lecture halls. He stated that this was due to the minimal funding budgeted for the development of facilities and infrastructure.
However, the mentioned problems did not dismiss Hamzah’s desire to make the Faculty of SCIENTCS the best faculty in ITS, as well as a role model for other similar faculties in Indonesia. In order to achieve this, Hamzah identified two main focuses that must be applied, namely the development of Human Resources (HR) and the development of the faculty.
In developing human resources, Hamzah mentioned that lecturers, educators, and students must have a balance of quality. Competencies and qualifications need to be improved for lecturers and teaching staff. Meanwhile, increasing the number of quality inputs without disturbing the number of the existing infrastructure was needed to be applied to students.
“With the balance of quality between human resources, I am sure that this faculty will be even better,” Hamzah said, confidently.
Meanwhile, in terms of faculty development, Hamzah conveyed that the addition of new study programs will answer the challenges of the Industrial Era 4.0. Among them is a bioinformatics study program that combines biology, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, and data science to process data as well as in predicting disease. Then there is the medical physics professional study program that is crucially needed by hospitals.
“I hope that these new study programs will soon be realized,” hoped this man who is also a graduate of the ITS Chemistry Department.
Hamzah added that it is not only undergraduate programs that need to be developed but postgraduate programs also need to be strengthened. The addition of students without burdening the infrastructure was also mentioned as Hamzah’s method in this case. “In addition, cooperation with foreign universities is also a way to strengthen this postgraduate program,” he emphasized.
At the end of the interview, Hamzah emphasized that he would always hold and apply the principles of balance, synergy, and visionary throughout his leadership period. “I am sure that if these three principles are realized, all the goals of this faculty in responding to the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 will be achieved,” he concluded. (dil/rur/ory)
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