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February 04, 2020 14:02

ITS Won in the East Java Dekranasda Competition

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East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa (two from the left), East Java Deputy Governor Emil Elestianto Dardak (four from the left), and the Head of East Java Dekranasda Arumi Bachsin (five from the right), along with Beginner and Professional Category champions

ITS Campus, ITS News – The Product Design and 3D Craft Printing Competition held by the East Java Regional Crafts Council (Dekranasda) has ended. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) successfully won all the beginner category champions in the final competition held at Geco Co-Working Space Surabaya on Tuesday (21/1).

The competition was themed East Java Youth in Facing 4.0 Era with 3D Printing Technology. The innovations carried by ITS participants were following the evaluation criteria in the competition, namely creativity and innovation, the quality of design presentations, the quality of 3D printed products, and the cost efficiency level.

The innovation clutch handbag product by Vaya Herlina named Aurora

All participants in the competition were very good at ideas and creativity, presentation of works, as well as product quality and efficiency levels. All participants in this competition are very good at ideas and creativity, presentation of work, as well as product quality and efficiency. “ITS students excel in conformity with the theme of this competition that targeting millennial generation,” said Djoko Kuswanto ST MBiotech as one of the judges at the competition.

The first prize winner is Vaya Herlina. She carried a product innovation in the form of a tote bag that can be disassembled front and back. It intended to allow users to change the color as desired. The product that has a 3D design is motivated by the fact that women, especially millennials are love to changing bags on the grounds of being bored and following fashion trends. “The creation of this product called Aurora was inspired by the Dayak tribe motif in Kalimantan,” said the ITS Design Product Department student.

Vaya Herlina when presenting her work which is clutch handbag product named Aurora

Then, the ITS Wrist Team who got the runner-up, innovated with its product which is an eco-friendly wristwatch with a futuristic design. Called environmentally friendly because it used materials from polymer filaments made from plastic waste. Therefore, this product can reduce environmental pollution so that it is classified as an eco-watch.

The product of The Wrist Team which is an eco-friendly wristwatch that won second place in the beginner category

“The product we called Pergelangan is no less eye-catching when compared to conventional watches in general. This watch has also used magnets for its locking system, making it easier and more economical,” explained by the team representative, Ghalib Abyan who is an ITS Material Engineering student.

Ghalib Abyan when presenting an eco-friendly wristwatch product called Pergelangan

Meanwhile, Surya Pusparina through her work named Zhuchi won third place. The product is home decoration furniture that combines the function of decorative lamps with potted plants. Zhuchi which implements a typical pattern was created because of the rise of minimalist trends with a simple and authentic concept. “I focused the simple concept on product operation, while I applied the authentic concept to show off the regional culture,” said the ITS Product Design student.

The product that won third place for the beginner category by Surya Pusparina named Zhuchi

According to Djoko Kuswanto, each champion already familiar with the characteristics of 3D printers that required 3D modeling skills. “For the first and second winner who made a clutch and a wristwatch was very suitable for the millennials, so did the third-place winner was very much following the current lifestyle which is contemporary home decor,” he said.

Surya Pusparina when presenting her work named Zhuchi

Seeing the amazing achievements of ITS students, Djoko who is also a lecturer of ITS Product Design Department revealed that it is supposed for ITS students got the champions as a barometer for product design and 3D printer applications in Indonesia. “It shows that ITS can be one of the leading players to play an active role, as well as being an important player in the application of 4.0 industry in Indonesia,” he concluded. (ai/gayatri/ITS Public Relation)

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