Socialization of research results with East Java Departement of Agriculture
ITS Campus, ITS News – In an agrarian country like Indonesia, efforts are needed to support sustainability in the agriculture sector. Therefore, a lecturer of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) designed a website innovation for smart agriculture through her research entitled Smart Agriculture Development to Improve the Supply Chain Value of Agricultural Commodities in Supporting Smart City.
Erma Suryani ST MT Ph.D. as a research lecturer mentioned, this study uses a simulation model and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The simulation model is designed based on data and information from the agricultural department to determine the parameter values and model equations, validations, and model scenarios.
It is aimed at increasing the productivity, production, and supply chain value in agricultural commodities. While ICT itself is based on the mobile web in the form of Smart Agriculture Cultivation (Budidaya Pertanian Cerdas) on “Through the website, farmers can get information and learn how to cultivate corn and paddy better,” said the woman who is familiarly called Erma.
The research that started in 2018 lasts for three years and has certain targets every year. The first year of research focused on the economic aspect, namely increasing the productivity of paddy and corn. “If the production increases later farmers’ income will also increase,” she said.
The second-year focused on the social aspect, namely increasing the value of paddy supply chains both on-farm and off-farm. Erma adds, from the increase in value, the price and quality of local production will be competitive with imported products. So that its benefits are not only felt by farmers, but also distributors, traders, end-users, and other economic actors.
Meanwhile, in the third year, the research focused on the environmental aspect. The target is to create a sustainable agricultural system in overcoming and preventing disasters. “Namely by developing agricultural to be more resistant to drought and flooding,” said the alumni of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST).
Research team, Erma Suryani ST MT Ph.D. (two from left) and Rully Agus Hendrawan (left) along with staff from Agriculture Departement of East Java Jombang District
Erma also explained that the scope of the research also included the selection of seeds, because later it would have an impact on land productivity and agricultural production. She admitted that in each phase of the research took place smoothly every year and is currently entering the third year of research.
This research collaborates with the East Java Agriculture Departement, Jombang District Agriculture Departement, and Tuban District Agriculture and Food Durability Departement as the largest paddy and corn-producing region in East Java. “The two districts are the pilot project, it is possible that in the future will be expanded to other districts,” said the Information System Department lecturer.
From this research, there will be technology transfer from the government to the community itself. “Previously the counseling needs a computer, now it can use a cellphone,” she said. She hopes that in the future, Indonesia can have a sustainable agricultural system in social, environmental, and economic aspects. (vi/gayatri/ITS Public Relation)
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