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February 20, 2020 10:02

Gained ITS Doctorate degree by Developing an Automatic Age Estimation System

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Arna Fariza, recipient of the ITS Doctorate degree, when presenting the topic of her dissertation during the Doctoral Promotion Session

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) successfully added a name to the long list of graduates with doctorates. This time is Arna Fariza from the Computer Science Doctoral program who receives the ITS doctorate title through her research on the automatic age estimation system, which she presented at the Open Doctoral Promotion Session at the ITS Informatics Engineering Department on Wednesday (20/2).

Starting the presentation with the topic of software that has the ability to detect estimation of age automatically, in Arna’s dissertation entitled Automatic Age Estimation System Based on Panoramic Radiography in Forensic Odontology, she developed a method to recognize a person’s age through images of human teeth.

Based on the statement from this woman who was born in Gresik, teeth are one of the most popular parts of the human body in the world of forensic odontology in recognizing individuals. Arna also describes that teeth have strong properties and are resistant to weather, chemical contamination, and trauma. “Thus, medical personnel often use teeth as a medium to identify someone,” revealed Arna.

In her scientific oration, this ITS Informatics Engineering graduate also explained the results of her research work. Arna’s research developed an automatic age estimation system based on panoramic radiographic images for adult individuals aged 16-70 years. Panoramic itself is one of the X-ray photographs used in dentistry to obtain images of teeth and surrounding soft tissue.

The method of applying the system is divided into three stages. The first method is to get an image (X-Ray) of teeth and background. The image must be able to capture and recognize parts of the teeth. “In this first method, tooth structures or artifacts must be removed,” she informed.

The second method is by segmenting the image, which is recognizing and obtaining tooth areas such as enamel (the outer layer of teeth), pulp (the deepest structure of teeth), and dentin (substances between email and pulp). “Finally, the system will classify the image that will later show the estimated age of the individual dental owner,” elaborated this Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS) lecturer.

(From the left) Prof. Dr. Agus Zainal Arifin SKom MKom, Dr. Eha Renwi Astuti drg MKes SpRKG (K), and Dr. Eng Chastine Fatichah SKom MKom

Based on Arna’s explanation, an age estimation is a new approach in the field of radiographic examination in forensic odontology. In addition, this system is also able to facilitate the process and reduce errors in identifying individuals when compared to observing manually or using the naked eye.

According to the data presentation of this 47-year-old woman, it can be seen that the software developed has an accuracy of 60.93 percent with an error rate of only 4.30 percent.

Arna mentioned that what triggered her to develop this system, in order to receive her ITS Doctorate degree, was because of the urgency to recognize individuals, along with the increasing number of accidents involving many victims and calamities such as natural disasters. “This identification is not only for individuals who have died, but those who are still alive can also be able to avoid crimes such as falsification of documents,” identified Arna.

The Doctoral session itself was attended by ITS professors in the field of Digital Image Processing, Prof. Dr. Agus Zainal Arifin SKom MKom as the promoter, and Dr. Eha Renwi Astuti drg MKes SpRKG (K) as the co-promoter. The internal examiners include professors from the University of Indonesia (UI) in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Prof. Dr. Eng Wisnu Jatmiko ST MKom, ITS lecturer Dr. Eng Nanik Suciati SKom MKom, and Dr. Darlis Herumurti SKom MKom.

In the end, this lecturer who also serves as the Lector of the EEPIS Information Engineering Head hoped that the results of her research and dissertation, of her ITS Doctorate degree, will later be useful, not exclusive for forensic odontology, but also other fields. “Hopefully this software can be socialized to not only the forensic experts but also the Search and Rescue (SAR) Team,” concluded Arna. (jev/ory/ITS Public Relations)

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