ITS Campus, ITS News – Heading to World Class University, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) further expanded its cooperation with other internationally-based science and technology. In achieving that goal, ITS received a visit from the Ambassador of Armenian Republic Dziunik Aghajanian with the Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology (FAST) at the Rectorate Building, Friday (13/3), to discredit the plan for cooperation.
Armen Orujyan, Founding CEO of FAST explained that the main objective of the visit of the Armenian delegation is to know the difficulties and problems that exist in Indonesia related to science and technology. “After that, we will try together to find the solution of the problem,” obviously the man who was born 1974.
As the architect of the science ecosystem, he added that in the science ecosystem it takes three things that are research, education, and commercialization. Before research should be conducted, it is necessary for education. “I look in Indonesia, the fund to run the research is very much, but if there are no good human resources to manage it it will be free,” he explained.
He presented one of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) models that they developed for the discovery of new medicines. Some of the advantages of this model are it will be found new medicines at a lower cost and shorter development process. “One of the companies that use this model is MODERNA and they are now developing vaccines for Coronavirus,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Ambassador of Armenian Republic Dziunik Aghajanian reveals that working with ITS will be very beneficial for both parties. Some of them are a clear exchange of ideas that will add insight to both ITS and Armenian sides. “Working with ITS will certainly make us understand more about this area, so we can know the exact way in solving various problems that exist,” he said.
ITS rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng continued that at ITS own has done a lot of research. Some of these studies have also been commercialized. One of the research results of ITS successful commercialization is the Gesits electric motorcycle.
Ashari continued, ITS own has had many roles in the field of science and technology for Indonesia. On small scale, ITS contributes to the development of Surabaya Smart City in the use of information technology, big data, and AI. In addition, ITS also conducts community devotion with the development of coastal villages on Maratua Island.
FAST admitted they feel attracted after seeing so many contributions made by ITS related to fields of science, technology, and community devotion. “A lot of interesting collaborations can be done by ITS and FAST later. We can also do research that can produce a commercialized product, “said Armen Orujyan.
The visit of the Armenian delegation was continued to ITS Robotics Central Building which also presents a mini-exhibit showing the innovative works of ITS worldwide academics. “Because we have the same focus and the same research center, we want to continue the sharing session in this robotics building,” explained director of PT Tekno Sains, Dr Ir I Ketut Gunarta.
At the end of the discussion, ITS initiates the existence of cooperation as well as collaboration with Armenia. Cooperation in the form of student exchanges or lecturers is the first step that it can do with Armenia. “We will finance all the requirements of the students and lecturers from Armenia who will exchange into Indonesia from flight tickets to its accommodation,” said the director of ITS Global Partnership, Dr Maria Anityasari ST ME. (RI/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)
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