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March 21, 2020 17:03

ITS achieved Top 3 Rank in Indonesia THE Version

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

Senior Manager of World Class University’s Relations, Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan ST MSc PhD explained ITS latest rankings from the Times Higher Education (THE)

ITS Campus, ITS News – Competing in the global arena, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) increasingly proves its excellence. Reported from Times Higher Education (THE) rating, ITS now solidly ranks the best three universities in Indonesia after the University of Indonesia (UI) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) category of Emerging Economies (developing countries).

Senior Manager of the World Class University’s Relations, Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan ST MSc PhD, explained that ITS steadily perched 251-300 ranks for the Emerging Economies category and ranks 1001 + for the Global category. “ITS successfully outperform the University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) and the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) in the 251-300 cluster for the Emerging Economies category,” she said.

ITS ranked on position 251-300 as University in developing country version of THE

Rulli said, ITS success surpassed the two campuses above because of the total score that has been achieved exceeds the acquisition of UGM and IPB. According to THE site, this urban and regional planning (PWK) lecturer recognizes, there is an ambiguous dish listed in the table, where ITS is in the fourth-order for the Emerging Economies category and the sixth order for the Global category.

Whereas if it refers to the total turnover, Rulli confirms ITS strong to be ranked the third best in Indonesia. Alumnus of this architecture added, college-writing sequences for the same ranking clusters sorted by alphabetical order. “So do not be surprised if THE public opened THE page, ITS not written at rank three from Indonesia,” she added.

ITS ranked on position 401-300 for the Computer Science category

Based on THE data, there are 13 value indicators used to increase nearly 1,400 global universities. Among them are the number of international academic staff, female staff, research staff, international students, female students, undergraduate students (S1), Master’s degree students (S2), doctoral students (S3), undergraduate degree winners, Doctoral research Awards, professional Doctorate Awards, research income, to income from the Institute’s industry and Business.

ITS ranked on position 601-800 in the category of Engineering and Technology

In addition to the rating, THE new rankings have also been released in a particular field. Namely, the ranking is 401-500 for the Computer Science category, ranked 601-800 for Engineering and Technology, as well as 801 + sequences for Physical Sciences.

Nevertheless, Rulli states that the rank is not the primary goal of ITS. But it can be a medium for ITS benchmark in competing in the national and global arena. In the future, ITS is optimistic to be a part of the five national College of Legal entities (PTN-BH) in Indonesia that ranks the major 500 globally.

ITS on the position of 801+ on the Physical Sciences category

“This is following the target pursued by the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem Makarim,” concluded the doctoral alumnus of Hiroshima University, Japan. (dik/Anjani/ ITS Public relation officer)

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