ITS News

Monday, January 06, 2025
March 21, 2020 13:03

Prepare For Corona, ITS Formed Task Force For Covid-19

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

ITS Campus, ITS News – Addressing the latest Corona Virus Disease 19 virus (Covid-19), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to take strategic plans to prevent its spread. This time, ITS formed a special Task Force (Satgas) to handle the spreading of Corona on Campus.

The Task Force which formed by ITS rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng is expected to be able to become ITS leading guard to face the dangers of Covid-19.

The Leader of ITS’s Covid-19 Task Force, Adjie Pamungkas ST MDev PLG Ph.D. explained, the task force was formed to prepare ITS to face Corona Virus. According to him, Task Force will be an educator for the academic and community and create a clean environment for ITS against the spread of Corona.

ITS’s Covid-19 Task Force Leader Adjie Pamungkas

The lecturer of Departement of Regional and Urban Planning (PWK) continues, ITS greatly minimizes the potential of Corona’s spreading on campus. If there is a person who is expected to have interacted with a Covid-19 patient and showed the symptoms of the virus (suspect) in the ITS’s environment, then this team will handle the person. “So that the spread of viruses (Corona) does not become worse,” said Adjie with full of hope.

Given that this virus is very dangerous, Adjie continued, ITS is very serious in anticipating the spread of viruses and slow it down. ITS Head of Research Center for Disaster Mitigation and Climate Change is optimistic that ITS can make its environment clear from the signs of Covid-19.

So far, this risk management expert said, ITS has formed a task force and has prepared a unified service to confront Corona. Among them is the Medical Center which has been on standby, since March 16, to give first medication for its academic civil society that has related symptoms. “Because our main concern (attention, red) is handling internally such as lecturers, students, and all of civitas academica,” he said.

Furthermore, if ITS civitas academica are about to ensure their physical condition or even feel that it has been in contact with the suspect, they can follow the simple procedure. All of the civitas academica can call 031-5927547 or 031-5925405 to convey their health complaints and make an appointment if necessary for the examination. After making an appointment, their body can be checked in ITS’s Medical Center. If symptoms lead to Corona, the medical officer will provide a referral for the patient to be directly at the Airlangga University Hospital (RSUA).

Expressed Adjie, ITS has officially established special cooperation with RSUA in dealing with this plague. Besides dealing with Corona’s patients, this task force team also sterilized the campus environment. Starting classrooms, laboratories, until the administrative offices in the ITS environment will be sterilized according to the urgency of each. “Even if possible, the area around the campus will also be handled,” said this man.

Not only that, he added, society and academic Civitas who want to know Covid-19 deeper can contact the service Hotline 081132203333. There is an officer who is ready to standby to answer a variety of questions about Corona. Also, there are official pages to follow the development of Covid-19 at ITS, namely

Task Force team has prepared the system so it can be followed easily. ITS’s civitas academics only need to follow the listed procedures and more restraint in the face of the spread of the Covid-19. The characteristics of viruses that scientists still researched are also clearly available on the site.

According to Adjie, there are eight steps that the Task Force team emphasized when facing Corona. First, pray to the one true God as an effort to get closer to him in this time of crisis. Furthermore, ITS remains to study and work at home. According to the man who is also the social planning expert, it includes appropriate measures within the self-quarantine period and limits the physical interactions.

Third, do social distancing with the closest distance is 1.5 meters. Fourth, consume nutritious food that can improve immunity. Fifth, it is important to keep the physical hygienic by routinely washing hands and face cleanly.

Sixth, the RMIT University graduates emphasized this to not do the homecoming or the slightest holiday. Learn from other countries that ignore this problem until finally already fatal consequences. After that, any meeting, especially on a large scale, must also be canceled until at least 14 days long completed. Lastly, ITS’s Covid-19 Task Force also prohibits civitas academics from visiting crowds such as cafes, shopping centers, and many more.

The steps above are the main focus of the ITS’s Covid-19 Task Force team to protect the campus environment and to safeguard ITS civitas academics. Because the spreading of this virus is easy and fast.

Although it already keeps the distance, it still has the potential of contracting Corona. Therefore, Adjie has a message that every human being conduct self-quarantine awareness so that the virus can be eliminated by itself. (dik/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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