ITS News

Monday, January 06, 2025
March 26, 2020 21:03

Facing Corona, Ditmawa Is Ready To Help Students To Eat Healthily

Oleh : adminits | | Source : -

The DUSMAK team when distributing 118 food packs in ITS student dormitory, Monday (23/3)

ITS Campus, ITS News – following an online learning policy in anticipation of the outbreak of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) took a tactical stance to help students. Forming a team by Ditmawa for Student’s Survival (DUSMAK).

Explained by ITS director of Student Affairs, Dr. Imam Abadi ST MT, the establishment of this team aims to provide information to students in ITS Student Dormitory in their needs of meals during the self-prevention of Covid-19. According to Imam, the establishment of this team is backed by the problems faced by ITS students who are still around the campus during the social distancing on campus. “One of their difficulty is the access to food because many are closed,” he explained.

Explained by ITS director of Student Affairs, Dr. Imam Abadi ST MT, the establishment of this team aims to provide information to students in ITS Student Dormitory in their needs of meals during the self-prevention of Covid-19. According to Imam, the establishment of this team is backed by the problems faced by ITS students who are still around the campus during the social distancing on campus. “One of their difficulty is the access to food because many are closed,” he explained.

This lecturer of the Departement of Physics Engineering Lecturers also explained, since it was formed on Sunday (22/3), the DUSMAK team immediately deployed its members to conduct field surveys. They collect the data of food stalls that are still open or already closed around ITS. The data is divided into three zones which Keputih, Gebang, and Kejawan.

Spraying hand sanitizer on volunteers

Imam said the collection is useful to know which warung to cooperate with the DUSMAK team in providing consumption services for students. Next, teams will be reaps of food stalls or catering data, menu lists, and contact stalls. “So that students can choose and order food as they wish, food can be delivered by the seller or taken by students,” he said.

Not only give food stall information, but the DUSMAK team also pays attention to the cleanliness of the food stalls who are working together. According to Imam, Ditmawa provides strict health protocols for food stalls or caterers who want to cooperate. Start from the cooking protocol until the food wraps.

Ditmawa also provides medical stuff such as masks and gloves that must be used during the cooking process. “Food stalls and catering also should send photos of food process,” he said.

Besides the collection of food sellers, Imam also explained that the team has conducted a collection of the students ‘ spreads around ITS boarding. The student data is divided into four zones, namely Keputih, Gebang, Kejawan, and dormitory zones. “It’s good to know the spreading so that the distribution of food can be easier,” he said.

Health standard with masks and plastic gloves for stalls working with the DUSMAK’s team

In addition to the food seller information service and catering, the DUSMAK team also provides a distribution service assistance from donors. Imam says the students can receive can be either food, supplements, or vitamins that can enhance ITS student’s immune. This donation is also shared in the four zone as mentioned.

Imam added, there has been a distribution of donations made. For example on Monday (23/3) Then, the DUSMAK team has distributed 118 rice donation packs from the alumnus of ITS Chemical engineering Alumni and ITS internals in the ITS Student Dormitory zone. “If the donation is increased, then the distribution can be done more broadly to three other zones,” he said.

Lastly, Imam hopes with all this limited ability to provide the best service to ITS students. Especially for those who are still on campus and beyond to get healthy and nutritious food and free from the threat of exposure to corona virus. “Because they live far from parents, at least we can help them,” he concluded.(fat/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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