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Thursday, January 16, 2025
April 03, 2020 09:04

ITS Facilitate Student Return Home After Declared Healthy

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Arief Abdurrakhman gave a greeting before departure ITS students who return home

ITS Campus, ITS News – Covid-19 Pandemic which is the world’s most extravagant including Indonesia currently causes some struggle for students to return home. Departing from the problem, the Directorate of Students of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Ditmawa) formed a program as a manifestation of caring for the assistance of Student Transportation (DutaMuda).

Seperti yang telah diketahui, seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, termasuk ITS, mengambil langkah untuk meliburkan As already known, all the universities in Indonesia, including ITS, take steps to dismiss their students to prevent the spread of Covid-19. After the announcement was circulated, ITS students has sent to their respective hometowns. Nevertheless, 2,000 students from 20,000 ITS students persist around the ITS campus environment due to several things.

Chairman of DutaMuda Task Force, Arief Abdurrakhman ST MT said, the DutaMuda team assisted by Ditmawa ITS put a strategic and comprehensive step in its implementation. First, the DutaMuda team made a schedule on the student database through the Chairman of the Association (KAHIMA). Furthermore, each Kahima will coordinate with the level commander. “Within four days, the data of the students who want to go home has been compiled well,” he said.

Arief continued, from 2,000 students, 46 students were about to return by public transportation. The students who plan to use public transportation are facilitated with vehicles from ITS and delivered to the front of the house. “However, due to the increasingly dynamic and erratic conditions, now only 17 students have participated in the DutaMuda program,” he said.

Director of Student Affairs ITS Imam Abadi when giving directions to the students who are about to return home before departure

Arief underlined that this activity did not oppose the government’s policy of not being homecoming. The reason, the students have also been examined through the self-assessment, then verified by ITS Medical Center, and endorsed by the Ditmawa. “It is done to ensure that they are in good health and not at risk when returning home,” explained the lecturer who also serves as head of the Sub-Directorate of Entrepreneurship Development and ITS student career.

Furthermore, DutaMuda’s team dropped five fleets to be assigned to each route. First is the route to Jombang, the second is Probolinggo, and the third is Magelang and Kebumen. The fourth is the route of Pekalongan, Karawang, Depok, Tangerang, and Jakarta. “While the last route is Bojonegoro and Jepara,” he added.

The 17 students were dispatched simultaneously, Friday (3/4), at 08.00 a.m. in front of ITS student dormitory. DutaMuda team has also prepared a bowl of rice that can be consumed by the students on the way, so there is no interaction at the restaurant. “We also direct the students to bring a medical cover letter that has passed the validation of ITS health Center and Ditmawa,” Arief said.

He added that the student’s excitement to follow this program is very good. Proven from the enthusiasm and effort of the head of the Department, ITS student Consulting team, and Kahima in collecting data. Arief hopes that this program can provide a stimulus for the initiation of other programs and can inspire other units that want to contribute to nations and countries. “Hopefully DutaMuda can provide benefits for all parties involved,” he concluded. (chi/rev/ITS Public Relations)

Pemberangkatan para mahasiswa ITS menuju kampung halaman, Jumat (3/4), di depan Asrama Mahasiswa ITS

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