ITS Campus, ITS News – In correlation with government policies in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) has developed an online system for academic activities. Thus, the administration process for the registration of new students that were accepted through the National Selection for Higher Education Entrance Test (SNMPTN), which will be conducted on Wednesday (8/4), will also be done online.
To fulfill the administrative needs of newly accepted students, online registration will be conducted on the 13th to 19th April 2020 through the link In regards to this, new students are required to fill in their complete data and upload the needed documents to meet the data verification demands. When completed, students are expected to print proof of completion in the new student data collection system (SIPMABA).
After, there will also be a verification process of parents’ economic status that will be conducted on the 15th until 26th April 2020, based on the data inserted in SIPMABA by the UKT-ITS Team, including new students who are recipients of the Kartu Indonesia Pintar – Kuliah (KIP-K). On the 22nd until 28th April 2020, the amount of tuition fee (UKT) will be announced, which must be paid by new students who are not KIP-K recipients.
In addition to that, new students who are not KIP-K recipients are also required to immediately complete UKT payments in accordance with the nominal previously announced by UKT-ITS Team in the period between the 22nd of April and 3rd of May 2020 through the referred banks. UKT payments can be made through the following: internet banking, mobile banking, ATMs, as well as through the services of tellers at BNI, BTN, BRI, Bank Mandiri, BNI Syariah, Bank Syariah Mandiri, and Bank Jatim branch offices spread throughout Indonesia.
ITS Director of Education, Dr. Eng. Siti Machmudah, S.T., M.Eng., mentioned that the verification process of academic report and registration that is usually conducted at ITS Campus will instead be done online. “Students will be asked to upload their academic report grades into the system that will be further verified by the Directorate Team of Education,” she elaborated.
Meanwhile, the medical examinations that will be conducted at ITS Medical Center, which are mandatory for all new students serves as one of the requirements of registration, will be postponed until further notice while observing the development of the effects of Covid-19. “If the situation and condition allows, it is likely to be carried out together with the registration process of new students that will be accepted through SBMPTN and PKM tracks,” explained this ITS lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering.
In regards to health check-ups for new students that are accepted to certain study programs that require non-colour blindness, the new student will be transferred to another study program with specific exceptions. “The exceptions will be directly delivered by the referred faculty dean of the department,” revealed the woman.
On the other hand, portfolio verification process for new students of the following study programs: Product Design, Interior Design, or Visual Communication Design, will also be done online in accordance to the schedule, which will be further announced. Once all processes of registration is accomplished, new students can print proof of registration through the link that also has tentative test schedules for TOEFL, TPA, Psych test, and the Spiritual and Nationalism Training.
If new students are unable to complete the data and upload the necessary documents up until the 3rd of May 2020 at 15:00 WIB, that student is deemed to have relinquish his/her rights as a new student of the ITS Undergraduate Program for School Year 2020/2021.
Machmudah further expounded that in relation to university needs in the form of the alma mater jacket and others, the mechanism has yet to be determined. However, in correlation with this information, she advises new students to pay close attention to the announcements that will be published through page on certain procedures for registration. “Don’t forget to immediately complete your data at and contact the listed contact on the page for further questions,” she ordered. (tri/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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