The work of Dandy Anugrah Cahyadi, one of the DKV students, which is serialized titled A Journey to Against Covid-19
ITS Campus, ITS News – Many ways can be done to encourage people to reduce the spread of the Covid-19. One of them is the Department of Visual Communication Design (DKV ITS), which challenges its students to create an illustrated work in the theme of solidarity fight against Covid-19.
The works of the 58 DKV students are also published through social media Instagram. So it is hoped to be enjoyed and inspire a lot of people to help stop the spread of Covid-19.
Rabendra Yudistira Alamin ST MDs, lecturer of Departement of Visual Communication Design said, the idea to create an illustration work about the Covid-19 began when the provincial health office of East Java needed innovation to educate the community especially socialization in the fight against the Covid-19. “Therefore, I and other DKV lecturers take the initiative to use the work of students ‘ illustrations as the media,” he said.
Rabendra Yudistira Alamin demonstrates some of DKV’s student illustrations themed fight against Covid-19
Rabendra explained that the illustration used as educational media of Covid-19 is one of the assignments of the conceptual illustration course that he shared with his colleague Nugrahardi Ramadhani in DKV ITS. This course has the habit of synchronizing coursework with current conditions. “Every year we are trying to use topics that are relevant and for this year the topic is Covid-19,” added Rabendra.
One of the students of DKV’s 2018 class, Adhec Saputra described, the illustrated work created by him based on the unrest against the behavior of teenagers in Indonesia who still do not care about the spread of this Covid-19. This is evidenced by the many youths who feel they will not be infected by this virus. “Therefore, the illustrations I made aimed to change their mindset about it,” said Adhec.
The students who come from Trenggalek also added that the concept of illustration adapts to the lives of the youth, which is a semi-romantic theme using attractive colors and understandable language. “And also in the illustration, I described what can be done in the home to stay productive,” said the student born in 1999.
The illustration by Adhec Saputra, one of DKV students which themed in semi-romantic prevention of Covid-19
In the same case as ADHEC, Dandy Anugrah Cahyadi explains that the concept of illustrations in the form of an illustrated story titled A Journey to Against Covid-19. This series tells the efforts of what one can do to defeat the virus. “Of course this aims to make the message delivered more interactive and targeting all circles,” said Dandy.
At the end, Rabendra hoped that the works of the students of DKV this can be appreciated by the public, as well as the positive messages that are carried, can give a positive influence. “While we are not doctors or authorities, we also want to take a role through what we can, which is to convey a positive message through visual language,” he said.(sen/rev/ITS Public Relations
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