Kampus ITS, ITS News – The Covid-19 pandemic led to a large number of fundraising programs through various platforms. This inspired six students of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) to create a web-based application to gather information on the existing fundraising programs, called Databasedonasi.
These students are Etika Pahang Krisdyan, M. Ainur Rizal, Zendika Dayongki, Anisah Azhari, Muhammad Kemal, and R. Dimas Agung. All six of them are students of the Department of Information Systems, class of 2016. Working together as a team, they succeeded in getting and implementing a very creative and much-appreciated idea.
Etika Pahang Krisdyan, as the team leader, revealed that this idea was triggered by the noticeable rise in fundraising programs conducted by various platforms during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, this makes it difficult for people to choose certain fundraising actions from fundraising platforms. “The community is less encompassed in terms of centralized information,” he added.
Nicknamed Pahang, he then emphasized other causes that allowed the idea to emerge. One of them is how the community is still having trouble choosing donation categories and targets. “This might lead to people feeling discouraged to donate,” he stated.
Another member of the team, Muhammad Kemal, elaborated that the existence of Databasedonasi is to provide fundraising information that is centralized, filtered, ordered, and clustered. This should be done in order for the community to not experience any difficulty, confusion, and will gain an easiness in memorizing information.
This man who is familiarly called Kemal, explained that the application also features a donation category feature. These categories include ready-to-eat food donations, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), until the category of groceries. “So the public can directly choose the desired donation category,” he said.
Zendika Dayongki, another team member, elaborated that Databasedonasi is only a place to gather information on the current condition, which does not provide any intermediate for transactions. Transactions are carried out by the relevant source platform.
Zendika said, to successfully complete the Databasedonasi application, they worked with various platforms. The platforms considered are the following: KitaBisa.com, PeduliSehat.id, BenihBaik.com, and various others. “Hopefully this can be implemented soon,” he said hopefully.
Thanks to their creative ideas, the ITS Team was crowned as one of the 17 Best Ideas in the INA IDEAthon Covid-19 competition held by the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristek/BRIN) that was announced online, on Friday (8/5) noon. Pahang and the team succeeded in defeating approximately 5,590 incoming ideas.
Andre Parvian Aristio, S.Kom., M.Sc., as one of the department’s lecturers as well as the team’s supervisor, said that approximately five months from now this application will be implemented. However, Andre plans to invite other students in the implementation.
This is because the six members of the team are final year students who are busy completing their final assignments. “We hope this application can help the community in overcoming obstacles caused by the current Covid-19 pandemic,” he said. (dil/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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