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May 12, 2020 23:05

ITS Plot Preparation Roadmap of Medical Equipment And Pharmacy For Post Covid-19

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Fathema Djan Rachmat and BUMN Minister Erick Thohir when reviewing laboratory preparations for Covid-19 detection

ITS Campus, ITS News – The world’s unpreparedness faced pandemic as once said Bill Gates on his TED Talk in 2015 is no longer undeniable making all parties overwhelmed at this time. In order not to fall into the same hole, a detailed plan can be set about the independence of medical Devices (Alkes) and the current pharmacy and Pasca Covid-19 pandemic.

This was discussed in the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) held virtually by the Center of Business and Industry public Policy (PK2PBI) of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in cooperation with Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospitals on May 11. The Forum discusses the issues of independence of medical devices and national pharmaceuticals that are assessed as still requiring more focused discussion, assessment, and evaluation, especially to face the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The FGD was invited by experts and practitioners of health and pharmaceutical devices such as Dr. Jimmy from Onemed, Dr. RER Nat Aulia M Taufik Nasution from ITS, Fajar Harry S MSc Ph.D. from Barata Indonesia, the Start-Up team of the Millenial of IDEALAB, Pamian Siregar Apt as director of chemical Farma Sungwun Pharmacopia, Junaidi Khotib as Vice-Rector IV Unair, and Gino Valentino L as Chairman MMSCE-Pattimura University Ambon.

Fathema Djan Rachmat, Cardiothoracic surgeon and CEO of Paramedika Indonesia Healthcare Corporation

Also, several speakers are specially invited as a speaker in this forum, namely Dirjen Binfar and Alkes Ministry of Health and Dirjen Ilmate Ministry of Industry of Indonesia which talks about the acceleration of medical devices and pharmaceutical industry permits, as well as President Director of PERTAMEDIKA IHC which talks about hospitals budget.

One of the hot topics covered is the difficulty of drug access, medical equipment, and self-protection equipment (APD) from within the country during a pandemic. Fathema Djan Rachmat, Cardiothoracic surgeon, and CEO of Paramedika Indonesia Healthcare Corporation revealed, as long as the hospital imports everything needed from other countries, even for trivial matters.

Skema Widya Health Watch dalam mendeteksi Covid-19

In fact, according to Fathema, should every hospital or area have at least basic production tools such as infusion making tools. In this regard, she explained that Indonesia has the basic material for the infusion, the provision of the manufacturer is the same as the plastic bottle making technique: blow, fill, and fit. “Simple things can decrease the costs. We are still dependent on the other country for infusion fluid NaCl, “she said.

Also, she criticized how the absence of dissemination of information about anything Indonesia has and can be produced by itself, so it can be counted as waste. Fathema reveals, Indonesia imports even for things that we have. “For example, we already have the technology for serology diagnostics but we used all foreign-made. The thing is, we do not have a system that can inform that we are able, “said Fathema.

Fathema Djan Rachmat, Cardiothoracic surgeon and CEO of Paramedika Indonesia Healthcare Corporation

Learning from all the shortcomings that have happened, Fathema says that Indonesia needs solid national health resilience. Some things to be aware of are ensuring availability, affordability, quality, and sustainability to create a healthy environment.

Apart from the evaluation of pandemic handling, this forum also discussed the potential utilization of artificial intelligence technology to ‘ make peace ‘ with Covid-19. Azman Latif of Widya Immersive Technology conveys his company’s innovations in making Widya Health Watch. The watch is capable of detecting body temperature, heart rate and blood oxygen. With a health record storage system, the watch is able to monitor the health condition on a continuing basis. “At this time there is also support Teleconsultasi and Video call Doctor Prosehat and Smart speakers for Tunawicara,” explained Azman.

According to Dr. Ir Arman Hakim Nasution M. Eng, head of PK2PBI ITS, The results of the roadmap of the independence of national Pharmacy and medical equipment discussed in the forum will be submitted to the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo on Independence Day, 17 August 2020.

“Hopefully, there is a follow-up in the development and preparation of the roadmap of better and beneficial national pharmaceutical and medical equipment,” he said. (mia/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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