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Monday, January 27, 2025
May 20, 2020 15:05

ITS Civil Engineering Alumni Donates 3,500 Food Packages

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

Handover of 1,000 food packages from ALSITS, received by the East Java Provincial BPBD at the Grahadi State Building, Friday (15/5) night

ITS Campus, ITS News – In realization of the Covid-19 pandemic which causes the current economic crisis in Indonesia, the Civil Engineering Alumni of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology November (ALSITS) conducted an act of social service by distributing food packages as aid to the affected communities. This act of service, known as ‘ALSITS Peduli Covid-19’, succeeded in distributing 3,500 food packages to multiple regions.

Umboro Lasminto, S.T., M.Sc., the core administrator of the ITS Civil Engineering Department Commissariat Organization revealed that as many as 1,000 food packages were distributed by alumni in the Jakarta area, 1,000 packages were given to ITS through the Vice-Chancellor IV, while 1,000 packages were allocated to the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Provincial Government (Provincial) of East Java. Meanwhile, the remaining 500 were distributed to the affected communities around the ITS campus.

Previously, Umboro mentioned that the Civil Engineering alumni who are also members of the ITS Civil Engineering Commissariat Organization raised funds. “The results of the fundraising will be used by us (ALSITS, red) to buy the necessary food and distribute it to residents,” he explained.

This lecturer of the Department of ITS Civil Engineering then continued that every single food package consists of rice, oil, milk, sugar, and several others. The criteria for residents who will be receiving this assistance are those whose income is reduced or lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “Including those who earn a daily income, we find these food packages will be very helpful to ease their burden,” Umboro elaborated when contacted via telephone.

The preparation of food packages at the ALSITS office, located in the ITS Civil Engineering Department

According to Umboro, the distribution of food packages in the Jakarta and ITS campus areas has been going on since a few days ago. While the distribution through East Java Provincial BPBD was carried out on Friday night (15/5) in the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya. “Therefore, all aid has been successfully allocated to the residents in need,” he stated.

According to Umboro, this was not the first time ALSITS held a social service act like this. Previously, ALSITS contributed to the earthquake disaster that struck Palu in 2018 by building shelters. “The help we give is in accordance with our field of expertise, but this time we want to provide assistance in the form of food,” Umboro emphasized.

According to the plan, ALSITS will hold a fundraiser and provide regulated assistance to residents. Although Umboro has not confirmed the form of assistance to be provided, he hopes that the mentioned aid will be useful. “We have not yet decided what assistance will be given later, whether it is in the form of food or perhaps Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),” he revealed.

Umboro hopes that this pandemic can end soon. He also advised the citizens to work together to break the spread chain of Covid-19 in Indonesia so that the situation will normalize. ”Hopefully the provided assistance from ALSITS can be useful and become a blessing,” he concluded. (chi/ory/ITS Public Relations)

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