ITS Campus, ITS News – The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) now offers wider opportunities for graduates of high school/vocational schools in order for them to be able to continue to a higher education. Other than that, in supporting several government programs in increasing the Higher Education Gross Enrolment Rate (APK) of the vocational field, ITS increased the quota for new student admissions in three vocational study programs all at the same time.
Study programs of Business Statistics, Automation Engineering Technology, and Instrumentation Engineering Technology will now receive 45 percent more new students compared to last year, which was 130 students for each study program.
Dean of the Faculty of Vocations, Prof. Ir. Muhammad Sigit Darmawan, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D., mentioned that in the current era of industry 4.0, there is a huge need for vocational graduates in the fields of automation, instrumentation, and data analysis. “For that, we want to give more chances for students, so that citizens can enjoy and feel the huge impact of vocational education,” he emphasized.
The registration for new students for the ITS Vocational Programs has been opened since May 11, starting with the admission path based on achievements. There are two groups that can register through this method, the first group is specialized for the high achieving students from vocational schools and the second group is for the high achieving students from high school.
“Especially for SMK graduates, the proportion of the admission based on achievements is 20 percent of the total quota, while for high school graduates is only 10 percent,” elaborated the lecturer who is familiarly called Sigit. Sigit added, that this newly implemented policy aims to give vocational graduates the opportunity to continue their studies to a higher level.
Vocational-based higher education offered by ITS has a learning portion of 40 percent for theory and 60 percent for applied theory/practice. Therefore, this lecturer of the Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering hopes that vocational high school (SMK) graduates will no longer hesitate to continue their education to a higher level.
More about the admission track based on achievements, Department Head of Instrumentation Engineering, Dr. Ir. Totok Soehartanto, DEA, explained that this admission track is not only for prospective students who excel in academics. Those who excel in the fields of organization, interests, and talents, are highly considered in this track. “Students who won competitions, served as administrators of the organization, and were active in the committee of activities at school are also highly encouraged to register through this path,” he elaborated.
In addition to that, Totok also revealed some features of this achievement track. He stated that this path was also intended for those who memorized the Alquran. “This privilege is a form of our appreciation for students who memorized the Alquran,” he continued.
Aside from admissions based on achievements, high school/vocational school graduates can also register in the ITS vocational undergraduate program through the regular and independent methods, which will start open registration on the 20th of July. (yus/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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