Minister of Transportation Ir Budi Karya Sumadi when delivering his greetings about the preparation of a new normal life order
ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) contributed to the collaboration in response to Covid-19 pandemic impacts and recovery strategies on new normal life orders in the transport sector. This time, ITS and Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) of Transportation by Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and three public universities (PTN) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) virtually related to joint research cooperation, Tuesday (2/6).
The three PTN that are the Gadjah Mada Univeristy (UGM), University of Indonesia (UI), and Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
The event is also broadcast the live streaming by ITS TV which shows directly the signing of the MoU from the related parties. The signing by Balitbang is represented by Dedy Cahyadi SSiT MT as the head of the Intermodal Transportation Center and Ir Cucu Mulyana DESS as the head of the road transportation and railroad. It was followed by Ir I Nyoman Sukay Adnya MM as head of the Sea Transportation, rivers, and crossings, as well as Capt. Novyanto Widadi SAp MM as head of the air transportation center.
Meanwhile, the signing of PTN is represented by the Vice-rector IV of research, innovation, cooperation, Alumni ITS, Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D., Rector of the University of Indonesia, Prof Ari Kuncoro SE MA Ph.D., Secretary of the Directorate of Research UGM Dr. Mirwan Ushada STP MApp Life Sc, and Vice-rector of Research and innovation ITB, Prof Ir I Gede Wenten Ph.D.
The rector of ITS, Prof. Mochamad Ashari also gave a greetings
In his speech, the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Ir Budi Karya Sumadi said, President Joko Widodo has preached that the community will be able to coexist with the Covid-19 while promoting the health protocol. “The Government continues to monitor developments based on the data and facts in the field to determine when the government can bring Indonesia to a new normal life order,” said Menhub.
By collaborating with colleges, the government hopes to get feedback on analysis and research in formulating strategic policies to prepare for a new normal life order. “A new normal life will bring good advantages for Indonesia,” he said.
The four rectors of ITS, ITB, UGM, and UI when delivering their speech
First, the new normal life order will protect Indonesia from Covid-19. Second, the new normal order supports the continuity of the nation to avoid other new problems such as food security, economic crisis, and for the sustainability of education for children and the nation.
Meanwhile, ITS rector Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng in his speech also revealed, to face the Covid-19 pandemic is required synergies between economics, health, and technology to support the expected new normal life. “Regarding the matter, ITS has a record of the proposed policy that is the integration of technology and health in the transportation system and preparation in developing autonomous transportation,” he explained.
Signing MoU by the head of the road transportation and railroad, Ir Cucu Mulyana DESS
The four PTN states ready to commit to help the government prepare for this new normal life order. The role of Ministry of Transportation is very important, considering the turnover of economic activities is not separated from transportation. “Therefore we are willing to jointly seek the implementation of transportation that prioritizes the value of humanity for a better economy in preparing a new normal life,” said Rector of UGM Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono MEng D Eng.
Menhub also stated that he was optimistic about the new normal life order. “Kemenhub through cooperation with this college will collaborate to immediately prepare the best policy to meet the new normal life, which is expected to make a positive impact for the community and also the government,” he concluded. (sin/rev/ITS Public Relations)
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