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June 04, 2020 20:06

ITS Placed Big Three in Indonesia on THE Asia University Rankings 2020 version

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Indonesia’s Top Five University score, THE Asia University Rankings 2020

ITS campus, ITS News – Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) again successfully kept it places on Times Higher Education (THE) Asia University Rankings 2020 which was released on THE Asia Live event and published on Wednesday (3/6). The ranking shows that ITS name is in relation to two other state colleges (PTN) as the top three best in Indonesia.

Senior Manager of World Class University’s affairs, Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan ST MSc PhD, explained that ITS managed to maintain its position in the 301-350 Asia ranking. Rulli explains if there are five criteria accounted for in the ranking, including teaching (25 percent), research (30 percent), citation (30 percent), international view (7.5 percent), and industrial income (7.5 percent).

In the past year, ITS managed to stand in the top three major colleges in Indonesia. Even in the top five of these colleges, ITS remains superior to the citation criteria with a score of 23.40. These criteria constitute the number of excerpts from the publication of articles in a reputable international journal. “The Data was taken from Scopus for the last five years,” explains Rulli.


Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan ST MSc PhD explaining and shows ITS Asia ranking version of THE Asia University Rankings 2020

In the teaching criteria, Rulli continued, ITS got a score of 23.30. Then, the research criteria got a score of 13.60, the international view Criterion got a score of 34.70, and the criteria for industrial revenue got 62.60. “The total score achieved by ITS in THE Asia University Rankings 2020 is 24.22,” said the alumnus of Architecture ITS.

The score gained by ITS, Rulli expressed that although the highest score was in the criteria of industrial income, the fact that the criteria were still inferior to some other colleges. Precisely from the five existing criteria, the large weight and the superior score of the citation criteria are enough to help the achievement of the overall score from ITS.

Rulli said this was the second year of ITS entry in THE ranking. Different from Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranking, THE rating is more difficult when viewed from the various benchmark criteria. It is reflected by the higher level of Indonesian universities that are included in the rating radar. “This year 2020 there are six PTN in Indonesia that are included in THE rating, one of them,” explained this lecturer of regional Planning and City (PWK).

Later, Rulli explained that to be able to enter the ranks there are several conditions that a college needs to have. The three things are related to teaching, university, and research. The category of teaching is to have a Strata 1 program, the University category is the number of staff in each area of study no more than 80 percent, and the category of research has published 1,000 journal articles in the last five years or minimum 150 publications annually.


The website of THE Asia University Rankings

According to Rulli, it is not easy to enter THE rating. However, in the future, ITS going to strive to maintain even increase. To make it happen, internationalization activities in ITS will be further improved from 2020 this year. “World Class University training, not only aimed at co-teachers but also education professionals (employees, red) and students,” said Hiroshima University Japan’s alumnus.

Moreover, she added, to the front of ITS will continue to increase its reputation in the international arena. One of them is doing collaborations with world-class researchers. This research collaboration is expected to lead to article writing along with writers from universities abroad, to support the achievement of assessments in the citation and reputation criteria, both in the category of teaching and research.

According to Rulli, to achieve all these targets, of course, there is a synergy and collaboration of all academics. Also to be able to solidify ITS position at the world level, all components in ITS need to increasingly understand the importance of international ranking. “Ranking is not the ultimate goal, but it can be a benchmarking to see ITS position at the world level,” he said. (Ai/Anjani/IT Public Relation Officer)

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