ITS Campus, ITS News – The business field is constantly evolving, the education sector should also develop according to the demands of the times. To that, the Department of Technology Management (MT) of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) launches two new Study Program Innovation Design Management (Magister program) and Doctoral Management Technology program through its Open House MT ITS implemented online, Thursday (4/6) night.
Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD, the head of ITS Technology Management department, revealed that MT ITS Department continues to strive in developing its course to continue to be relevant to the needs of the industry. It was proven by the launch of the field of expertise, namely Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics in 2018.
“The development was followed by adding another field of expertise that I think is also very relevant to the needs of the industry namely innovation Design Management, this year,” he explained.
Not stopping at the master program, the lecturer who often called Nyoman explains that there are many demands of the world of work that requires higher education qualifications. Based on this reason, MT ITS initiates a doctoral program.
Nyoman said, there is a fundamental difference between the doctoral program in ITS technology management with conventional doctoral programs that have been owned by ITS that has been more focused on the development of the scientific side. “We follow a model abroad called Doctor of Business Administration which is offered to be a good bridge between scientific development with the demands of the practical world,” said him.
The difference, according to Nyoman, has been adapted to the characteristics of the students of MT ITS which is different from other departments in ITS because almost all its students have worked as professional workers. The approach of the learning process will not necessarily be the same. “The complexity is much higher because we are more facing individuals with variations of different conditions,” he said.
In line with Nyoman, ITS rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng confirmed that the characteristics of the doctoral program of MT ITS are more emphasis on solving complex practical problems in a case of the industry with scientific foundations. Unlike other courses that are thesis or dissertation are more discussed in the development of science as well as searching for inventions or inventions.
Although his approach was different, the great teacher from Sidoarjo saw a contribution from MT ITS.
The first contribution is to help increase the percentage of students working. Secondly, the participants of this MT ITS are professional workers who later after graduation will have a professional bond which is a good capital in the networking field.
“Although the learning system or the topic is different from another study program, we still expect there are contributions on the academic side especially in the doctoral program later such as publications or innovations to fulfill ITS reputation both in the national and international eyes,” he also inaugurated the second launch of the new study program on MT ITS.
In addition to the launch of two new studies program, the Open House event also held a Talk Show titled Success Lecture while working and presenting three MT ITS alumni as a resource. The topic was adopted to motivate the students who are currently undergoing postgraduate education or who have continued to study to graduate programs with the status as a professional worker.
That is to remember that students in this program must divide the time well between work, lectures, and research. So is the motivation to be able to pass on time.
Summed up by Reny Nadlifatin as a moderator, there are several keys to completing postgraduate studies at MT ITS. The main key, among others, the needs of strong commitment, totality, and seriousness in undergoing the decision that has been taken, discipline and consistency in dividing and allocate the time between work and lectures, as well as the existence of synergy or collaboration with lecturers or with fellow students to increase spirit and motivation. “Not forgetting, the relationship with God in the spiritual aspect also needs to be strengthened,” he concluded.
(ra/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)
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