ITS News

Tuesday, January 07, 2025
June 06, 2020 01:06

Continuing To Work, ITS Do Online KKN Amid The Covid-19 Pandemic

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The appearance of Puncu village website as a community service program (KKN) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) students

The appearance of Puncu village website as a community service program (KKN) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) students

ITS Campus, ITS News-Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia did not discourage the spirit of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to continue to process. One of them is the form of devotion for the community that is conducted through the online community service program (KKN).

Rizka Umi Muslimah, one of the students of the Department of Physics Engineering which is also incorporated in the KKN regular 2020 revealed, KKN Online is done as a follow-up of the program regular KKN 2020 that can not be implemented directly in the village Wonorejo, District Puncu, Kediri Regency. With 152 other students, Rizka has a KKN in the target village.

Dr. Ir Hasan Ikhwani M Sc, supervisor of community service program (KKN) in Puncu Village, Kediri Regency, East Java

Dr. Ir Hasan Ikhwani M Sc, supervisor of community service program (KKN) in Puncu Village, Kediri Regency, East Java

According to him, this activity is not only a form of empowerment activities to the community to add knowledge, but also can fill activities to remain productive during the existence of health protocol which is physical distancing and Work From Home (WFH). “Although it is done online, we want to continue to contribute to the development of economic, publications, and promotion of the village so that it can then be channeled to any existing micro-small enterprises (UMKM),” said Rizka.

Previously, the 152 students were scheduled to undergo the KKN from 14 to 28 June. However, given the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, KKN was finally implemented online from 14-21 May 2020. “During the KKN, we are under the guidance of Mr. Herdayanto S Putro MSi and Mrs. Dra Sukriyah Kustanti MSi,” she said.

Although she did not have time to conduct surveys directly to the location of KKN, Rizka with other students contacted and interviewed the people from that village such as the chairman of Karang Taruna and the local head of the village Wonorejo online. “We strive to continue this KKN despite the less conducive condition,” she said.

In a technical implementation, continued Jakarta-Born girl, August 7, 1999, with the team compile secondary data taken from government websites such as the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to get data and descriptions of the condition of the village. “We further collect data from surveys and interviews online with local village heads,” said this student.

After conducting group discussions and discussions with the mentor on the program, added Rizka, she re-contacted the head of the village to ask for permission and opinion on the program of the carried out work. Did not stop there, she and the team drafted and coordinated the program activities to the Board of the Karang Taruna Wonorejo village.

Documentation of the citizens of Wonorejo Village discussion forum with ITS students

Documentation of the citizens of Wonorejo Village discussion forum with ITS students

To facilitate this online KKN activity, Rizka and the team utilize WhatsApp as a discussion forum with the manager of Karang Taruna. The implementation of KKN has adjusted to the schedule of activities asynchronously and online so as not to interfere with busy managers. “While not being able to come directly to the villagers, but we are pleased to undergo this online KKN,” she said.

Fortunately, said Rizka, the local villagers are very cooperative and open for students who want to devote their knowledge to the community. “I hope that even if done online, this KKN can give the community a passion and benefits,” she concluded.

Meanwhile, KKN online is also held by 152 students in the courses of insight and technology application (Wastek) ITS. The original activities must also be carried out in the village of Puncu Kediri Regency in mid-June was implemented through the guidance of Dr. Ir Hasan Ikhwani MSc and Dra Endang Susilowati MS.

Hasan reveals that one form of modification of KKN activities to be virtual is to create a village database website containing the village profile information to the potential of the village. “The website can also cooperate with the official Web service provider of the government of Indonesia,” added the lecturer of the Department of Ocean Engineering.

Documentation of website and KKN Online module at Wonorejo village, Puncu, Kediri

Documentation of website and KKN Online module at Wonorejo village, Puncu, Kediri

The selection of work programs in the form of this website is based on students ‘ findings that there is a potential development of local resources as well as tourism and plantation sectors in Puncu village. “This Website can provide information about the current conditions and situations of Puncu village to the public both from the village and from outside the village,” said Hasan.

Puncu Village Database Website completed in one month. In the development process, the website team uses the Web service provider of WordPress. “We use WordPress because we value more simple and understandable so that it will facilitate the use of the future by village management board,” Said Shania Eriadhani Astagina, a student of the Department of Informatics Engineering which is a participant of KKN.

The website that can be accessed through this has several menus containing information Puncu village. Profile menu and village structure, For example, this menu provides up-to-date information to communities related to village administration.

There is also a menu of village service facilities and village institutions that display information to educate the community about its village. So that the public will be easier to access related services in this village.

Also, the Puncu community can access daily news in the field of Puncu Citizen Daily News. The Website also displays regional data and potential natural resources that can be accessed by anyone, it can be a means of branding so that the village is better known to the outside world.

Documentation of website and KKN Online module at Wonorejo village, Puncu, Kediri

Documentation of website and KKN Online module at Wonorejo village, Puncu, Kediri

In the process of website development, the team also found a slight obstacle where the team could not use the domain owned by the Indonesian government due to a slightly complicated registration process and the old confirmation process from the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) RI.

With the implementation of these virtual-based KKN activities, Hasan hopes that the student’s website can provide benefits for the villagers in the future. “The existence of a website is an opportunity for Puncu village to be able to introduce their village to the outside world. There is a lot of information and potential villages that have been embraced on the website, ” said Hasan. (chi/rys/rev/ITS Public  Relations)

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