ITS Campus, ITS News – Covid-19 pandemic to the new normal policy is a key focus in the new order of society today. In answering the challenges and educating the public to participate in this change, the Department of Development Studies ITS held an online lecture themed Build State Defense Spirit To Face Covid-19, Monday (8/6), by presenting the Ministry of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Kemenko Polhukam) as the keynote speaker.
Deputy IV of Coordination of National Unity of Ministry For Political, Legal, And Security Affairs, Dr. Janedjri M Gaffar SH MH, initiated the lecture by explaining the background that the establishment of Indonesia is a result of the struggle and not the gifts from other nations. Independence aims to protect all nations and all the blood of Indonesia. “To educate the life of the nation, promote the public welfare, and administer of the order of the world,” he explained.
Janed, his familiar greeting, emphasized that the unification of the Indonesian nation is Pancasila’s ideology as a multicultural nation binding. Pancasila ideology is also still very relevant to the Indonesian nation. There are some basic principles on the Pancasila ideology which is democracy and nomocracy.
The principle of democracy comes from people’s sovereignty. Such democracy needs to be balanced with the principle of legal sovereignty called nomocracy. Democracy without nomocracy will cause anarchism chaos. Conversely, if the nomocracy itself is without democracy, it will be born authorities. “These two things are inseparable,” said the former general secretary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia.
After independence, continued Janed, Indonesia has now undergone many advances, both in the field of social, political, and science. We need to defend our nation’s existence by keeping nationalism. Nationalism is a sense of owning and loving that is accompanied by the attitude of wanting to keep it up to the fit of the identity that it is formed. “Identity Indonesia, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika,” he said
Janed emphasized that defending the country is not only the duty of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) but also all society that has been contained in the Constitution (UUD) 1945 article 30 paragraph 1. So that all layers of society need to synergize together in national defense, not an exception among universities. “All colleges need to adhere to Tri Dharma colleges to support the various issues posed by Covid-19,” he asserted.
Deep appreciation is also expressed by Janed to ITS who has even given a real example of state defense with its various innovations and contributions. Among them by producing robot innovations RAISA, VIOLETA, Hospital Tent, to various assistance hand sanitizers and personal protective equipment (APD) for handling Covid-19. “No need to remotely look for real examples of martial arts in this era, ITS has even done it,” said the man born in 1963.
According to the former head of the Center of Assessment of Impairment of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), the role of state defense in the Covid-19 pandemic era has three objectives. These goals include maintaining health with health protocols, driving the community economy, and maintaining social and political conductivity
Janed invites people to be in the knowingly if the Covid-19 pandemic is not over. It needs to be encouraged by the New Normal policy to the productive and safe society Covid-19. The policy certainly demands the adjustment of our daily attitudes and behaviors. “Formerly it can be the same, but now you can’t. Well, that attitude should not be interpreted unpolite, it is necessary to consciousness if that is what should be done for the prevention of Covid-19, “he explained.
The role and participation of universities are necessary to discuss the policy to be made in the country. And can also contribute to strengthening the empowerment and toughness of society faced with the Covid-19 pandemic. All civitas academics can participate in the responsibility of mentoring and education in the wider community. “In doing so, national defense is no longer only in the form of spirit, but also real activity,” he explained.
In response to the Janed Challenge, ITS rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng asserted if ITS is ready to continue issuing innovations and aid in confronting the Covid-19. Furthermore, with the Department of Development Studies, the ITS will be more understanding society. “This newest department in ITS is one of the departments that focuses on studying social engineering,” said the lecturer of Department of Electrical Engineering who is often called Ashari.
SIn line with Ashari, Head of Department of Development Studies Dr. Arfan Fahmi SS M.Pd also expressed that in the face of Covid-19, demanding all communities to foster innovation included in the spirit of defense. “We hoped that the strengths and synergies between governments, communities, academics, entrepreneurs, to the media, can create a new normal form” he concluded.(ai/rev/ITS Public Realtions)
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