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June 12, 2020 00:06

With Ministry Of Health And BNPB, ITS Preparing Innovation To Handle Covid-19

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Menteri Kesehatan RI Letjen TNI (Pur) Dr dr Terawan Agus Putranto SpRad dalam webminar Peran Perguruan Tinggi dalam Penanggulangan Covid-19 yang digelar ITS

Minister of Health RI Lt. Gen. TNI (Pur) Dr. Terawan Agus Putranto Sp.Rad in the webinars the role of the higher education in response to the Covid-19

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as a higher education and research institution has an important role in helping countermeasures the Covid-19 pandemic today. Together with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) RI and National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB), ITS explained the various steps that have been taken in a Web seminar (webinar) themed college role in tackling Covid-19, Thursday (11/6).

The ongoing Covid-19 continues to stimulate ITS as a technology-focused campus to create innovations in tackling pandemic. The Seminar that was held in the network (online) presents the Minister of Health (Menkes) Lt. Gen. TNI (Pur) Dr. Terawan Agus Putranto SpRad, ITS rector Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, and deputy field of prevention and preparedness of BNPB Lilik Kurniawan ST MSi as the main speaker.

Minister Terawan revealed that in an attempt to confront the Covid-19 is not a medical problem alone, but also the multisectoral and real work problems that it has demonstrated are remarkable. “I am proud because after all, I became part of this large family. As a minister, I will utilize in assisting promotively, preventive, curative, or rehabilitative, “he said

In response to ITS Innovations, Terawan claimed to be very proud of what ITS working for the handling of this Covid-19. “I am very proud and I am very grateful to see the ethos of the motivational spirit that demonstrates the extraordinary togetherness,” said the alumnus of Airlangga University.

Terawan even encouraged ITS to modify the innovation by utilizing sound waves to control the virus and had a message that all this hard work should be based on togetherness. “We can face all these difficulties with optimism so that we can face this pandemic,” said this doctor in radiologist specialist.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng memaparkan berbagai inovasi yang telah dihasilkan ITS untuk membantu penanganan Covid-19 dalam webinar Peran Perguruan Tinggi dalam Penanggulangan Covid-19

ITS Rector Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng presented a variety of innovations that produced by ITS to help the handling of Covid-19 in the webinar of The role of the College in response to Covid-19

Meanwhile, the rector who usually called Ashari explained several contributions that have been done since the start of the online lectures on 16th March. In overseeing and ensuring ITS student conditions, ITS makes online mapping regularly through surveys. “We have where the major point, what faculty where the location, in Jakarta and everything, we have it all,” said Ashari.

In addition, he continued, ITS also has three pillars in the handling of Covid-19 which is technology-based, prioritizing public health, and assisting the national economy. Ashari explained, there are three periods of countermeasures Covid-19 which became ITS strategy. First is the time of Covid-19, the second is the New Normal period, and the third is the orientation of the future.

In realizing the strategy at the time of the Covid-19, ITS create 28 products to tackle the Covid-19. One of them is a robot Medical Assistant ITS-Unair (RAISA). RAISA robots have three types, the first as a medical personnel assistant, consisting of four shelves with a maximum load of 50 kilograms. Secondly, the robot serves in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room, and the third in charge of the High Care Unit (HCU) room equipped with disinfectants to the room and personal protective equipment (APD).

Based on the description of Ashari, at least four RAISA units are operating in Airlangga University Hospital (RSUA). Furthermore, by cooperates with PT professional Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Protelindo), ITS also donated two robot units for the District General Hospital (RSUD) Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya, and one robot for Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA), Malang.

Another innovation of ITS was the presence of the Violeta robot used to sterilize the room using Ultraviolet (UV) light technology. “It can be 99 percent of bacteria killed, but there should be no human in the room during sterilization,” said Curtin University’s doctoral alumnus.

Robot RAISA hasil kerja sama ITS dengan Universitas Airlangga yang tergabung dalam konsorsium riset di bawah Kemenristek/BRIN

RAISA Robot is the result of ITS collaboration with Airlangga University which is incorporated in research consortium under Kemenristek/BRIN

Not only RAISA and Violeta, but ITS has also produced 145,000 more face shields and has been distributed to 25 provinces throughout Indonesia and donated to several puskesmas and hospitals. There are also 20 rooms consisting of 10 rooms of disinfectant liquid fumigation and 10 chambers of ozone gas injection. ITS also produced two swab room units to detect the Covid-19 and launched an Emergency Ventilator (EVITS) based on five health parameters, which was tested by the Health Facility Security Hall (BPFK).

Ashari continues, in entering the New Normal period, three things emphasize ITS. First is symptom detection, where ITS must ensure all the academic and public civitas involved are all healthy by using a thermal image sensor. Secondly, it performs the prevention of transmission through APD, masks, face shield, including sterilization tools and room. Lastly, the handling of sufferers by applying container design for ICU room and isolation, as well as the use of RAISA.

In the maritime sector, ITS proposed security protocols to the Ministry of Transportation related to new normal mode ships. “ITS contribution to the future is participating in the building the healthiness of Indonesia, ITS also ready to contribute to the planning and implementation of the Ministry of Health program, ITS as a center for Intelligent Health Care technology development,” said professor who born in Sidoarjo.

Deputi Bidang Pencegahan dan Kesiapsiagaan BNPB Lilik Kurniawan ST MSi ketika menyampaikan penjelasan dalam webinar yang dihelat ITS terkait penanganan Covid-19

Deputy for prevention and preparedness of BNPB Lilik Kurniawan ST MSi When presenting an explanation in the webinar that was held related to the handling of Covid-19

Meanwhile, BNPB representative Lilik Kurniawan expects that ITS can be a tough campus. Because, according to him, Covid-19 not only affects health problems but also on social security to economic problems. “The impact of Covid-19 has begun to penetrate in social emergencies and economic emergencies until it raises new poverty and hibernation economy,” said Lilik.

Lilik said that ITS must be an important part of the collaboration with governments, academics, media, communities, and private parties in the fight against Covid-19, which is hereinafter referred to as the collaboration of Pentahelix. “This is a form of the joint component between government, academia, private, community, and media,” he explained that the head of BNPB Doni Monardo is absent.

Beberapa inovasi yang diluncurkan ITS terkait dengan penanganan Covid-19 yang dipaparkan dalam webinar

Some of ITS innovations launched related to the Covid-19 handling presented in the webinar

Lilik said, BNPB also hopes the support of every community joints and ITS to be able to run all health protocols. As a technology campus, Lilik also encourages ITS to become a formidable disaster campus to protect all academic and continuing contributions such as the making of RAISA and Violeta. “We have to be one command where our locomotive is Mr. Jokowi, President of the Republic of Indonesia, and I hope we synergize each other,” said Lilik.

Lilik reminds the handling of Covid-19 is not only a personal and individual sphere but also the community. The discipline of implementing health protocols defined by the Ministry of Health should be forward to jointly handle this Covid-19 pandemic.(jev/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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