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June 16, 2020 09:06

Developed Use It, ITS Students Help Reduce Waste

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

One of the features in the Use It application, that was created by a team of ITS Systems and Industrial Engineering Department students

ITS Campus, ITS News – The massive and still increasing amount of waste that is damaging to the environment results in the many waste export activities, that are carried out with the reason to transfer garbage to other countries. In response to this issue, three students of the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), created an innovative platform called Use It.

They are Alif Wahyu Rodiansyah, Ifarrel Rachmanda Hariyanto, and Muhammad Ainul Yaqin, who are behind the Use It innovation. This new breakthrough was motivated by the large amount of untreated waste, which in the end was even thrown to another place.

“Truthfully, there are many who can process the waste, they’re just lazy,” revealed Alif.

As the team leader, Alif simply stated that this platform aims to facilitate the industry in treating waste. This facility is presented in the form of features on the Use It platform, namely the features of buying and selling waste, as well as features of consultation and waste treatment.

Alif Wahyu Rodiansyah, team leader, while displaying the application created by his team, Use It

Explaining further about Use It, this student of the 2017 batch elaborated that the feature of buying and selling waste can be used for all types of waste in general, such as organic and inorganic waste. As for the hazardous and toxic waste (B3), they cannot be traded through this application.

”There are existing rules that forbid the trade of those kinds of waste, so we will also follow it with this platform,” he added.

He also commented that exclusively for the B3 wastes, there are special features, namely the consultation and treatment process for companies that could not handle their own waste.

“Later on, we will connect them with companies that can process the wastes well,” mentioned this student that originated from Surabaya.

When asked about the benefits of the platform he and his team developed, Alif revealed that Use It is the first-ever application with these certain features to solve the waste issue. In addition to that, in the past, if people want to buy and sell waste, they can use social media such as Facebook, but there is no third party to facilitate it. Whereas Use It has the ability to facilitate the whole community to be more secure, easy, and reliable.

“It’s as easy as we open platforms like Tokopedia and others,” he emphasized.

In the creation of this platform, which targets waste collectors and companies, was revealed to have encountered various obstacles. Difficulties in making applications and designs serve as the biggest obstacle. “We, who are all students of the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering, did not have the basic knowledge, so it’s difficult,” he said.

In addition, they were also constrained in terms of data collection because they needed a surveyor. In the future, he hopes this platform will be developed further and used by the wider community. So that the scattered wastes do not remain untreated and damaging the community at the same time.

This student, who also has an active role in his department’s student association, also hopes that in the future, the government can realize and confront the issue directly and promote the usage of Use It. Meanwhile, this platform has already been entered into the ITS incubator program to be evaluated for the better.

In the end, Alif hopes that Use It will have a good impact on the environment, not only in Indonesia but also in the whole world, so that it can bring the good name of ITS. He also advised other ITS students to never stop innovating.

“Never stop thinking creatively, and never give up because when failure comes and we try again, we will definitely develop for the better,” concluded this student who was the team leader of the third winning team of the 2020 Perbanas Entrepreneur Award. (bob/ory/ITS Public Relations)

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