ITS Campus, ITS News — Following up on the previous Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) steadily conducted a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) online with a telecommunications equipment company, Huawei. The MoA focuses on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ecosystem in Indonesia.
Bambang Pramujati, Ph.D., ITS Vice-Rector IV, that is focused on Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni, stated that the collaboration between ITS and Huawei has been established since 2013. At that time, ITS, together with several other Legal Entity State Universities (PTNBH), with the support of the Directorate General of Strengthening The Innovation Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, created a joint program called ICT Digitalent. The core of the program is the development of Human Resources (HR) Information Communication and Technology (ICT) from students and Training Of Trainer (ToT) for trainers.
Bambang conveyed that as one of the big companies in the field of information technology, Huawei perceives ITS as an educational institution that has competent resources in the ICT field. This then became the origin of the collaboration between ITS and Huawei, as well as the cause that allowed ITS the opportunity to join the Huawei Digitalent program last year.
This man, who was born in Yogyakarta, revealed that the MoA, which was only conducted a few days ago, is focused on the field of AI Talent. This collaboration serves as one of the efforts in developing the AI ecosystem to have the ability to produce talents in the AI field, as well as to maintain research supported by the appropriate equipment.
This time, ITS became one of ten tertiary institutions that received support in the form of AI laboratory equipment. Not only that, ITS will also have the opportunity to conduct training in the certain field. “Currently, 20 lecturers are taking ToT Cloud Computing and Routing training, and next July, ten lecturers will take the AI ToT training,” he further clarified.
Although this training is heavily relevant to the curriculum at the ITS Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS), it does not limit other faculties from attending. Among the participants, there are departments from the following faculties: Faculty of Vocations, the Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering, the Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering, and the educational staff of the Directorate of Technology and Information Systems Development (DPTSI).
Through the training that will be held at TIK-Robotics, Bambang hopes that this collaboration can strengthen ITS researchers at national and international levels. Not just that, Bambang also hoped that the real contribution of ITS researchers can increasingly be felt by the community in terms of solving problems and improving the comfort of human life. “Hopefully students can also take advantage of the latest equipment in the AI field to improve ITS graduate competencies,” he concluded. (dil/hen/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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