ITS Campus, ITS News – in the New Normal condition, the implementation of the computer-based writing test (UTBK) as a mandatory requirement to register a joint selection for public universities (SBMPTN) has been prepared. Including Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as one of the central UTBK, ITS has also been ready to roll out the exam by implementing the prescribed health protocols.
According to Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono, head of Sub Directorate of the Directorate of ITS Education, to serve approximately 6,730 participants, ITS has prepared many things related to the sustainability of the exam later. ITS has carried out a series of preparations such as the supply of site responsibility (PJL), supervisors, IT responsibilities, as well as IT admins. “Trial implementation of UTBK has also been implemented and the trial results in the center of ITS, UTBK is running smoothly,” he said.
Regarding the supervisor UTBK, he continued, the recruitment has been done before according to the rules required by the College Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT). To improve the professionalism of its performance, they have also been given the briefing and simulation of supervision in the UTBK. “The briefing itself is done in two sessions, in the morning and afternoon on the 22nd of June,” he said.
In the implementation of UTBK 2020, said Unggul, ITS has prepared a computer device that will be used for exam participants. “For its availability is very adequate,” he said.
In fact, according to this lecturer of the Department of Mechanical engineering, ITS has also been doing room preparation for the test site. For this, ITS has teamed up with the Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS), Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya (PPNS), and IT Telkom Surabaya. “This cooperation is done in the form of lending a test site,” Unggul explained.
Related to the uncompleted pandemic situation of Covid-19, further superior, in its preparation ITS added Sub-Coordinator Protocol Covid-19 in the UTBK Center Committee. It supports the implementation of the UTBK according to the press conference of the previous LTMPT. So to improve the health protocol when UTBK, ITS coordinate with Polsek Sukolilo and Gayungan as well as Satgas Covid-19 Surabaya City. “We also provide medical personnel at the test site,” he explained.
To ensure the safety and health of the participants themselves, superior mentions that participants must follow the health protocols from measuring the temperature, washing hands, wearing hand sanitizer, wearing masks and face shield, and using gloves. Also, participants who are allowed to take the test are only healthy participants or otherwise free from Covid-19.
But for the provision of rapid test participants, Unggul is still waiting for the decision of the team Satgas Covid-19 Surabaya City.
Furthermore, UTBK participants must implement physical distancing and do not interact with other participants. Participants are also encouraged to conduct independent ‘ isolation ‘ starting 14 days before the implementation of the UTBK.
For companions, ITS only advocated a total of two people who can only degrade participants in the drop zone that has been provided, and the introduction is not allowed to wait for participants inside the campus.
The implementation of UTBK 2020 is according to Unggul, not many rules change because the principle applied almost the same as the previous year. “Which distinguishes only the implementation sessions and the application of health protocols,” he said.
The UTBK 2020 will be held on July 5-14 for stage I and July 20-29 for stage II, there are two exam sessions of which were originally scheduled for four sessions. The first session was held at 09.00-11.15 and the second session was held at 14.00-16.15. Each session was given a time of 2 hours and 45 minutes to implement the health protocol. As well as total participants who will be able to take the exam per session is only 875 participants.
Hopefully, by holding firmly the application of health protocols, UTBK 2020 can run smoothly. “Hopefully there is also no addition of a new cluster Covid-19 in this UTBK 2020,” said Unggul with full of hope. (bob/rev/ITS Public Relations)
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