ITS Campus, ITS News – The mayor of Surabaya has issued a policy on the implementation of computer-based writing exam (UTBK) in 2020, which one of the points is the requirement to present a statement letter of Rapid Test or Swab for the participant before the exam. Related to this, ITS as one of the location center UTBK ready to follow the policy direction of the mayor of Surabaya in the event of the UTBK which began 5 July 2020 upcoming for stage I.
Vice-Rector I of academic and student affairs of ITS Prof. Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT revealed, he still does not understand how the policy procedures that require participants UTBK to show the certificate of Rapid Test results. However, Adi asserted that he will be ready to roll out the appropriate UTBK health protocols. “Because this is a referral recommendation from the mayor of Surabaya so we follow it,” he said.
Adi also added, as much as possible the remaining time before the UTBK, the exam participants have prepared and conducted a Rapid Test according to the instruction of mayor of Surabaya. “Because of this recommendation from the Government of Surabaya, as much as possible followed, the remaining two days as much as possible, so just Rapid Test because the result will be out not too long maybe 1-2 hours only,” he added.
But in this case, Adi explained that the city government (Pemkot) Surabaya will provide a fee for participants UTBK scholarship recipients with a genuine Surabaya KTP to undergo Rapid Test. The participants can conduct tests on 63 puskesmas spread in Surabaya. “This is a step taken by the mayor of Surabaya after this (today, red) held a meeting with the rector of ITS and Unair related UTBK condition in Surabaya, ” he said.
In addition, Adi added, ITS also already make some standard operational procedures (SOP) health protocols for the implementation of UTBK and the establishment of the Sub-Coordinator team Covid-19 protocol to monitor and report directly the results of the implementation of UTBK to the acceleration Task Force handling Covid-19 Surabaya City. This effort is done to prioritize the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 in ITS or in Surabaya. “So the health protocol is strongly held firmly in the implementation of the UTBK this time,” said the professor of electrical engineering.
Just information, ITS also gets the overflow of UTBK participants from the State University of Surabaya (Unesa). This is directly justified by the head of the Sub-Directorate of the Directorate of Education of ITS Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEng Sc. He said that ITS got 8,750 new participants because of the overflow.
Unggul explained, the additional participants from the Unesa will be scheduled in the wave of two (phase II) implementation of UTBK namely on 20-29 July 2020 upcoming. This is the result of a division conducted by the college Entrance Test (LTMPT). “So the total participants of UTBK in ITS after receiving the overflow became 15,480 participants,” he said.
Connecting the word superior, according to Adi again, the overflow of this participant is based on the reason of Unesa who do not want to roll out the UTBK in their campus. “Since there is a Covid-19, they (Unesa, red) do not want to roll out the UTBK, so that from the center (LTMPT) is bestowed (participants) to ITS and Unair,” he explained.
Regarding the addition of these participants, Adi stated there is no special step that it does. Only there will be additional number of Test supervisor personnel. The purpose of adding a supervisor is a form of optimisation that can be supply. “So the first example gets one time watch the exam, can later get more than one care task UTBK, so as much as possible optimized,” he explained.
With the policy of the mayor of Surabaya and the addition of these participants, according to Adi, does not affect ITS readiness in deploying UTBK 2020. Because of its same nature, ITS been preparing these things before, so ITS is already very ready to roll out the UTBK according to the circular letter.
Adi hopes that with some additional provisions such as the results of the Rapid Test test is not a burden for the exam participants. He asked the participants to keep the focus on the UTBK and always maintain the immunity of the body. So it is hoped that the implementation of UTBK Hybird in the new Normal conditions can still run smoothly without constraints and can all follow the health protocols already determined by ITS. “I hope UTBK in ITS running smoothly, both the first wave as well as the second, all seamlessly without any constraints,” he concluded.
(bob/Anjani/ITS Public Relation Officer)
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