ITS Campus, ITS News — The first day of the Computer Based Writing Examination (UTBK), which began on Sunday (5/7), at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) was carried out in accordance with the applicable health protocols. Although it was conducted in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and during Indonesia’s transition to New Normal, the participants remained ready and enthusiastic in maximizing their answers during the test.
Anticipating this, the health protocol was certainly maximized by ITS. ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., explained that the health protocol carried out at ITS was very sufficient so that the UTBK participants felt comfortable and safe during the exam, “We sterilize each room in-between sessions, within two hours, we feel like the duration is enough,” he stated, when interviewed by the ITS Online crew.
To take the examination process, participants were previously encouraged directly by the Surabaya City Government to prepare everything. Ranging from documents, mental, to physical preparation, even more so in the current pandemic. With the Government’s rapid test obligation, participants must give more effort to be able to fulfill one of the requirements to follow the UTBK.
This was revealed by Rovida, one of the first session UTBK participants. All preparations were made by her, in addition to studying and praying, she also conducted rapid tests required by the government. “All necessary documents were ready, but three days before we just got information about the obligatory rapid test, so like it or not, it must be done because it is a requirement to be able to participate in the UTBK,” explained this girl from Sidoarjo.
Rovida added that she was quite satisfied with the health protocol that was implemented at ITS. She claimed so based on her experience when entering the campus environment when she had her body temperature checked, until the use of hand sanitizers when entering the exam room. Each UTBK participant was also given extra assistance in the form of hand sanitizers and tissues by the committee to be more sterile. “We feel comfortable doing the test with the facilities provided by ITS, although a little bit uncomfortable with the use of masks and face shields,” she identified.
Not just graduates of 2020, there were also UTBK participants who once again tried the entrance exam this year at ITS, and Lutfi Nur Aini was one of them. She expressed her huge concern due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic during the examination, which caused the UTBK process to not be as flexible as last year. “Quite worried, especially in the current situation we have to take care of ourselves and be aware of our surroundings, but I remain enthusiastic and optimistic that the results will be more satisfying,” concluded the girl who is fondly called Fifi. (zar/lut/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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