Event poster for the 2nd Maritime Safety International Conference (MASTIC) 2020
ITS Campus, ITS News — After successfully realizing the first Maritime Safety International Conference (MASTIC) in 2018, this year, the The Center for Excellence of Maritime Safety and Marine Installation (PUI KEKAL), together with the Department of Marine Engineering of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is conducting MASTIC for the second time. This activity will take place online, via the Zoom Webinar application, on Saturday (7/18).
According to Dr. Emmy Pratiwi, as the head of MASTIC 2020, MASTIC is an international conference that is held every two years to discuss aspects of maritime safety and its technology. This year, the theme is “Responding to Future’s Technological Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Towards Safety Operations at Sea and Environmental Protection”.
This theme was adopted because of the prominent issues of safety and environment in the maritime sector, especially in Indonesia, where it still needs high attention. Sailing safety, including marine infrastructure, is still an important issue. “So, the main point of discussion in this conference will be to discuss the latest conditions and the latest technology in the field of safety in ship operations and maritime facilities,” revealed this ITS Marine Engineering Lecturer.
MASTIC 2020 activities will be welcomed directly by Prof. Dr. Ir. Adi Soeprijanto, M.T., as the Vice-Rector I, that focuses on ITS Academic and Student Affairs. Not to forget, this international-scale activity will also be attended by more than 500 participants and 78 speakers among students, academics, practitioners, industry, and government agencies.
Dr. Emmy Pratiwi, as the Head of MASTIC 2020
According to this woman familiarly called Emmy, this International seminar will invite three main speakers from Indonesia, Turkey, and Malaysia. Each speaker will bring the latest material from their research, which is certainly in accordance with the theme of MASTIC 2020. “The lecture that will be delivered by the three main speakers will discuss Automatic Identification System (AIS),” she identified.
AIS is a device mounted on a ship to send static and dynamic data of the sender’s ship, to another ship, and to a receiver installed at the base station located on land. This data can later be utilized and widely developed, one of which is to support and improve ship safety.
Furthermore, Emmy said that the three main speakers of MASTIC 2020 were Prof. Dr. Adi Maimun from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Prof. Dr. Serdar Kum from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Turkey, and Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana from ITS. Each speaker will explain the latest research and development related to the implementation of AIS in their respective countries. Especially in terms of improving maritime safety aspects.
In addition, MASTIC 2020 also presents a parallel session where people who sent their papers will be given a chance to present. A total of 89 papers have passed a series of steps of the technical selection since last March. These presentations will then be carried out in parallel and grouped according to the theme of each research. Namely Marine Risk Assessment, Marine Safety, Design, and Experimental Study in Maritime research, Analysis on Port and Supply Chain Management, and Marine Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency.
The selected speakers originate from eight countries. Among them are Indonesia, Japan, China, Germany, Malaysia, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. “The entire paper will be published later through the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science indexed by Scopus,” she clarified.
The implementation of MASTIC 2020 is expected to be a place for educational institutions, researchers, and industries to exchange information and share research results on the latest developments and innovations in the maritime field. Especially in the field of operational safety of ships and the maritime industry.
So, the existence of this international conference can contribute more to answering the challenges and opportunities regarding technology in the maritime field. “I also hope that with MASTIC, the number of international publications on indexed proceedings of international repute by researchers at ITS and the general public will also increase,” concluded Emmy. (bob/lut/ory/ITS Public Relations)
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