ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to show a capable innovation for Indonesia’s advancement in its academic hands. This time, the student team of the Department of Informatics ITS succeeded in realizing their creativity in the development of “Grobak”, a digital-based application for food distribution to terminate food waste problems in Indonesia.
Starting from the curiosity to compete during academic loads, Bagas Immanuel, Calvin Wijaya, and Muhamad Rifaldi are interested to practice their skills in the realm of software development. “We start with Calvin, then invite Rifaldi to join because he is good at the design until formed this Goldfish team,” said Bagas Immanuel, the team leader.
Regarding the background in designing ideas for the creation of this application, Bagas explains that his invention refers to the goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030. “The second goal in the SDGs 2030 is zero hunger, one of the challenges that make it difficult to reach the goal is the number of food waste,” said the student of 2018.
Reported from the Food Security Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia (BKP Kementan RI), Indonesian food reach now is reaching 300 kilograms per capita annually. The high number of food waste in Indonesia has made Bagas and his team create Grobak application to reduce this food waste problem.
Regarding its working system, Bagas revealed that Grobak’s application works by linking raw food distributors with houses through vegetable builders. In this case, each house can order the ingredients that want to be cooked one day before and will be delivered by the courier the next day. “This facility can divert people’s preference to preferential to cook by themselves rather than buying outside,” he said.
Bagas added, the Grobak app also has complementary features such as cooking inspiration that is trending, the ingredients needed, and the quantity of each ingredient to make a meal. “By knowing the amount of material needed, it can reduce the potential of food waste produced,” he explained.
The Grobak app also has an interesting feature that is a recipe that allows users to buy bundles or all materials in one cooking recipe. There is also macro nutritional information contained in the prescription. “Some of these features we prepared with the target user can use it for the daily use,” said the student from Lumajang.
Speaking again about the process of creating this application, Muhamad Rifaldi, one of the team members said that there is task distribution in his team including app interface designer, user interface, and user experience. “Meanwhile, Bagas is responsible for compiling research reports based on case studies, and Calvin is responsible for programming applications that have been designed to be a representative application to be contested,” explained this student from Tangerang.
The application designed for the Software Development competition at Invention Himakom Udayana 2020 has won second place. With this experience, Bagas and the team made it a place to sharpen their skills in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) development. “Later on with additional design in terms of business, we plan to develop this Grobak application in other competition,” he concluded. (tri/rev/ITS Public Relations)
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